Naming Contest - A Steemit Follower Tracking App [Updates]

Last week, we gave you the very first, brief introduction for our Steemit Follower Tracking App and launched a contest to help us come up with a name.

Since 7 days have passed, the payout took place! This means that we could finally calculate the jackpot you can win if you come up with a dashing name for our app application.

After calculation, we proudly announce the final prize money:

$ 27.50!

In the post, we mentioned that we will announce the winners 7 days after posting, however we got held up in our lives and haven't found a proper opportunity to discuss the entries yet. We hope to come to a conclusion in a couple of days.

This also means, that we are still open for more name suggestions! Name our app and win those 27 bucks!

What is your Steemit Follower Tracking App?

With our Follower Tracking App, you can take a peek into the activity from your followers and zoom into the underlying data which Steemit does not provide with the naked eye. Who abandoned you? Who has been loyally by your side? Who are the most influential followers, always bumping you up to a satisfying payout. Or who are useless followers because they haven’t been online in months now?

The more upvotes you get, the less insights you get into your followers. Steemit only provides you with a number and a summary of all your followers, but not who JUST started following you, or JUST unfollowed you.

Steemit is a community. It is give and take - and hopefully more give. But how can you give to the people who give to you, if you do not know who they are or how big an influence they have on your posts are without you even knowing so? Right now, it is hard to figure out on who to reciprocate. Especially if your account holds a big number in upvotes, comments and followers. We want to change that.

Join our BETA!

When we have created our MVP, we will launch our beautiful BETA version for a bunch of users who are willing to try it out, use it and provide us with feedback.

Are you already eagerly waiting and want to reserve your spot in our BETA version?

Please fill out this Google Form to make sure you’re part of the Follower Tracker App.

Feel free to comment below with: “I want to be a BETA Bunny!!!1111” once you’ve signed up.

@pilcrow and me apologize for the inconvenience and hope to share the news with you soon!

Please stay tuned and follow @sjennon and @pilcrow for more information and sneakpeaks into our platform.

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