Who What When Where (Contest)

This is a 2-fold contest!



Fold #1:

Whoever gives the closest to the correct answer, in a comment to this post, to the question: "Who is that in this picture, what is he doing, where is it, and when was the photo taken?" will receive a prize of 10 steem

Fold #2:

Whoever gives the funniest response, in 100 words or less, in a comment to this post in answer to the question "What is going on in this photo?" will also receive a prize of 10 steem.


Rules, Rules, Rules


  • Only one (your first) entry per user in each Fold of this 2-Fold contest will be eligible as an entry in the contest. You must start your comment by clearly marking it as an entry for Fold 1 or Fold 2. In other words you may make one comment/entry for Fold #1 and one comment/entry for Fold # 2, and they must be clearly marked as such.
  • The distinguished Panel of Judge will be made up of me (and @twiceupontime if he wishes to participte) and my/our decision will be final.
  • Entries up until the paying out of this post in 7 days will be eligible. No entry after that will be considered.
  • The person pictured in the photo (the subject) is NOT allowed to enter Fold #1, but may, if he/she wishes, place an entry for consideration in Fold #2 of this 2-fold contest.
  • If you submit a photo of yourself drinking a double shot of ouzo, just before making your entry in this post, along with that entry, and you swear that it is real Greek ouzo in the selfie, your prize, should you win, will be doubled to 20 steem!


image (1) is from pixabay.com


ouzo and out,

The Contest Meister

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