Weekly Trivia Contest #5 - 40 SBD Minimum Prize Pool!


First off, thank you to everyone who played in last week’s contest or helped promote the contest by upvoting, resteeming, or by any other means. The contest does seem to be building a bit of steem (pun intended). I really hope everyone who has been playing in the contest is enjoying the questions and challenges. I’m going to set some goals to hit within the next three weeks. Goal #1 is for the contest post to generate over $10. This may be a bit of a stretch, but I think it’s possible. Goal #2 is to reach 100 followers. I think both goals are achievable, but I’ll definitely need some help!

If you enjoy the contest, please consider resteeming the post during the week. The more people who play in the contest and upvote each week, the larger the prize pool becomes.

Here is the link to the answer post for Week #4:

Here are the rules (PLEASE READ THEM ALL):

  1. Please DO NOT post answers as replies to this post. If you do so, you will be disqualified from the contest.
  2. All answers must be sent as a direct message to @misko on Steemit Chat (https://steemit.chat). Please include your Steemit account name in the message for potential payouts. Once you have submitted your answers on Steemit Chat, please comment on this post letting me know that you've submitted your answers.
  3. Only one answer message per user per question is allowed. The message should include your Steemit account name and your answers for any of the questions. This means you only get one shot to answer any of the questions! Subsequent answer messages will be ignored.
  4. You may use any resources at your disposal to answer the questions.

Here’s how the payouts will work:

  • Each question will be worth 25% of the money generated by the post.
  • The amount of money that each question is worth will be split evenly among the users who answer the question correctly.
  • You will be paid out for all correct answers that you submit. You do not need to answer all four questions correctly to receive a payout.

Example Payout:

  • The post generates $400.
  • Each question is worth 100 SBD.
  • 20 users answer Question #1 correctly, and each receive 5 SBD for their correct answer.
  • 100 users answer Question #2 correctly, and each receive 1 SBD for their correct answer.
  • 5 users answer Question #3 correctly, and each receive 20 SBD for their correct answer.
  • 1 user answers Question #4 correctly, and they receive all 100 SBD for their correct answer.

These questions are intended to be difficult. I want to make these questions challenging enough that those users who do get them correct are adequately compensated. This compensation also depends on the amount of money that the post generates, so upvote and spread the word! Also, if any questions go unanswered, the payout for those questions will rollover into the payout pool for the next week.

If you have any suggestions about how the contest could be improved, please comment on the post.

This Contest Ends on Friday August 11th at 11:59 PM Central Time

Here are the questions for Trivia Contest #5:

Question 1

  • On the cover of this rock album, the artist is depicted performing with a guitar while wearing an all black suit and black shoes. Surrounding the artist, there are what appear to be light bulbs, stars, and the mouths of screaming fans. What is the name of this album?

Question 2

  • A fictional small screen entrepreneur is seen wearing a ratty t-shirt with “Lad and Lassie Pre School” screen-printed on the front. What is the first and last name of this tech savvy individual?

Question 3

  • We’re going to try something a bit different with this question. I think it’s best described as a “story scavenger hunt”. Please leave me feedback about whether or not you enjoyed this question in the comments. Here we go:
  • You are currently located in the midwestern city which borders Lake Michigan and was founded by a French Canadian by merging two towns together. Being in this city definitely gets you in the mood to drink a beer or two. But before drinking that beer, you decide you want to rent a movie and travel to the nearest video rental store whose name suggests you’re supposed to bring the spouse and kids. The video store is approximately 6.9 miles from the center of the city. Upon arrival, you see that the store is unfortunately closed for renovations, so you decide to continue on to the next closest video rental store by the same name, which is another 11.8 miles away. The movie that you select is the “coolest” movie that the store is promoting. In the trailer for this movie, you see a character adjusting a dial which changes the gravity inside a spaceship. What is the final value that this dial gets turned to? Please be precise.

Question 4

  • This question is for all of you board game geeks out there. The picture below is a game piece from a popular board game. What is the name of the board game which includes the piece pictured below?

Correct Answers Submitted

Question #1: 1
Question #2: 1
Question #3: 0
Question #4: 4

Quick Bio and Trivia Background

My name is Mitch, and I’m a computer engineer living in Wisconsin. I play in the World’s Largest Trivia Contest, which is held every April in Stevens Point, WI. The contest is a fundraiser for the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point radio station, WWSP. It is a 54 hour long contest that spans an entire weekend. I am a co-captain of the team “Festivus For The Rest Of Us”, who have won the contest 3 times and are currently defending champs. The questions that I write for the Steemit Weekly Trivia Contest are similar to those asked during WWSP contest, albeit intentionally more difficult on average. If you’ve enjoyed searching for the answers to the questions that I’ve written, or really just like trivia in general, please check out the WWSP trivia contest.
WWSP Trivia Website:
Article and Short Documentary about WWSP Trivia:


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