This is my entry


This picture always triggers a passion for service in me, I lived in an environment where insects and snakes disturbed a lot,many of the financially buoyant neighbours took to buying insecticides and other chemicals to tackle the situation, it was useful but not as efficient as it was thought to be. This problem lingered for days,days became weeks but the solution came on a certain day while I laid on the center my bed well dressed with white bedsheets my mind began straying and cutting the bushes around us low came to mind,so I looked for a machete and began cutting the bushes low, then I applied pesticide and for once a lingering issue gave way that voluntary and humanitarian action portrayed me as an environmental hero in the neighbourhood, due to the positive result that emanated from my act the whole area began cutting grasses once they're high to avoid attack from insects...

Positive thoughts could change very bitter situations @Brittandjosie

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