A Wally World Christmas - My Entry into the ODECHALLENGE - Social Interaction by @japhofin8or

A Wally World Christmas

By @Lymmerik


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A Wally World Christmas

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree,

Why are you up before Halloween?

Wilting all of your needles green.

By all of these shoppers, you are seen.

The people come, the people go,

A Wally World Christmas, before there is snow?

We gather here to shop in droves.

A social scene? Oh I don't know.

We stand in line, beside the trees,

Why is it that we do not speak?

We're just here for something cheap.

And hope our wallets do not squeak.

The milk, the bread, the cottage cheese,

Do I need that Christmas tree?

I blessed, Salud, that woman's sneeze.

Then I pay cash before I leave.

I came to shop, not interact,

Did I just come in here for that?

Oh yes, I guess some food for cat.

Well lookie there, it's my friend Pat!

Hey you, I said, "look here, its me,"

Did you see those Christmas Trees?

I think this is my social scene.

I must go home, I've got to pee!

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings!


If you would like to enter @japhofin8or's Ode Challenge Contest: CLICK HERE!

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