Stage Five

Now you have to wade through a bog (Stage Five), but you are filled  with hope as you can see the ocean on the far side and an Evil looking Castle across the sea in the very far distance - surely some insane loot is in there just waiting for you to take it!

As you try not to get mud on your lovely battle garments,  you wonder what manner of creature could possibly attack you here? I mean there is nothing around for miles, just bog!...

Your nearly though to the beach when you hear a screech - crickey! it's another dragon, this time it's BIG!. 

As it cruises overhead it unexpectedly sneezes something out and flys away. The green looking shiny thing seems to be falling in your direction!


It lands with a thud in the mud, Oh man, that's one thing?

The strange creature is angry, but seems to be mumbling something about being cheated by @doughtaker in a video poker game and seeking revenge..??? 

The green thing wants someone to pay and it might as well be you, it has an attack of 3 (You must score a hit of 3 or more to win this Stage).

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): Magic and Brawn won't remove this  bogey monster..but a well aimed arrow might! 

Warrior: Player has -1 to hit

Wizard: Player has -1 to hit

Archer: Player has +2 to hit

Game Instructions

You need to self manage your character, you have 3 life points (3 attempts) to defeat the foe:

-Here is a heart image that you can use to show your current life count

 - It is hoped in a future IBT this process can be automated, but for now it is a manual DIY process.

Find Detailed Bot instructions here 

Quick Summary of attack Commands per class are:

Archer attack: !sendanarrow or !sendabunchofarrows 

Warrior attack: !mightystab or !mightyslash

Wizard attack:!magiczap or !magicblast


To pick a foes pocket before they are dead:


You need to calculate if you won the fight or not? If you won in the first attempt, you will win Steem! and you just need to keep an eye on the campaign map to see when the next stage is ready and you can move on. 

If you didn't you lose a life and may try again or just wait for the next Stage - it's totally up to you :)

To calculate your true damage you need to add/remove from the bot provided hit points number any positive/negative effects from any items you currently have or any other special field effects listed

Remember: This is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing in the field testing :)

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above Other images were captured from the abandonware game bards tale. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission. 100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack.

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