INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#3 - ENROL for the bestest, easy way to win Steem

This post is to allow people to enrol for and play in the Interactive Battle Tournament #3.

YOU MUST ENROL NOW! or miss out on the battle fun and easy win steem.  


To Enrol you must:

  • Comment here in this enrolment post indicating that you want to play. i.e. You simply  reply to this post and say "I would like to play".
  • Specify what Character Class you would like to play as, you must be either a Warrior, Thief or Wizard. 

For Extra fun you may:

  •  Provide an image of your character it can be any image you want but its recommended you reference the source of your image (if you didn't create it yourself).
  • Provide a brief description of your player/character it can be anything you like. If your unsure how or  don't  want to post an image (I will assign a random image for you). If  you  don't specify a description, I will provide a random one for you. 

There is no entry fee to enrol, you are simply asked to Upvote the posts.


  • I will confirm your enrolment, you will have 3 life points.
  • A Tournament map will be posted shortly. This map was going to be updated with everyone progressing together, but it was later decided we are going to explore more bots and allow players to progress at your own pace (once battle/stage posts are available).  Therefore the map is just there for reference so you can get an idea on where your character is traveling (what Stage you are up to). If time permits, I'll try to show on the map when a new battle or stage map has been posted.
  • A ITEM SHOP post will appear shortly -  this was going to be much more extensive and like the campaign map I have some ideas for the future, but for the moment it will have just a couple of ITEMS for sale, that can be purchased with Trophy Tokens. To learn more about Trophy tokens see:  trophy-token 
  • After enrolment is closed a series of Battle posts will be posted. There will be a Battle post for each Stage as shown on the Tournament map. This will start in approx 7 days after this post. Look for posts from @lordnigel entitled: INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#3...
  • A number of item opportunities will be presented through out the Battle posts/Stages, Bots can be used.
  • Finally there will be a final battle against a Boss,  where for any player who makes it and rolls the strongest number will win the IBT#3 and get a large Steem prize

For greater game play information or specific questions on game play, see the GAME INSTRUCTIONS POST. This IBT#3 is experimental so this will be a great place to post questions and seek answers  - especially if you get lost as what to do next.



All else fails, if your new, just watch what others are doing and follow along :)

Good luck everyone, let the enrolments begin!

 Imagines used in the Interactive Battle Tournaments are  often  taken from Abondonware games, the top image today was taken from  the bards tale.  Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  

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