INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#2 - Attacks from below - Battle One

As per the wizards tower of doom post your hero has chosen to attack the tower from below.

You enter from below... 

At first it was damp and dark, but your eyes adjust (helped by some crazy glowing pumpkins rolling by)

                 You make out a crazy little imp dude as seen on your screen below


                                           He looks like an agitated little fellow..



Please reply below how your hero will attack the crazy little imp dude?. i.e go for his eyes first or go straight for his heart. 

You may finish him anyway you wish, but if you don't choose the initial attack sequence correctly you may be seriously injured/killed and unable to continue later (and thus miss out on attacking the Boss and winning the Grand prize).

Note: If you choose your attack wisely here, you will win instant Steem (paid in 7 days, it's a 50/50 guess).You will find out if you were successful in approx 7 days

Reminder: You must choose which spot to attack first:

  1. go for his eyes first OR
  2. go straight for his heart.


Once you have replied here, you will be later sent a link directing you to the: Attacks from below - Battle two post


Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  Some images shown are from abandonware games, such as the Bards tale. 

50% of Steem raised from upvotes on this post will be used as  prize money for this Battle! The prize will be equally split to all those heroes who choose wisely. If you are a whale,  dolphin or just a fat fish, now is your chance to help spread prosperity  and grant this page the boon of your Upvote.  

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