IBT#3 - Proposed campaign map and game play

This is the final feedback post, the next post will be enrolment for IBT#3 and the game with start...yay!!

I just wanted to share the current strategy for the campaign map to see if there any concerns/objections? 

I understand it might not be at the depth level everyone would wish for, but I trust @doctorcrypto 's advice on keeping it simple for now and these IBT's are still experimental.

...We can always make it a bit more complex for IBT#4. Anyways, here is the plan: 

Overall game and campaign map 

Its self paced, self managed  progression - so I will do post battles for each Stage  on the campaign map. I’ll try to do one every day (but no guarantee’s as life gets in the way), to give people a chance to get into it and play every night if possible - Of course you can play at your own pace up until the post payout for each battle in the typical IBT style.

The general game play principal is that you will face progressively harder to defeat villains at each next stage on the campaign map. 

So if you’re at Stage One – you need to reply with your attack using freeform text  and finish with the @rollthedice on a fresh line. This will activate the dice bot and you’ll get your attack strength number. 

To explore Stage battles in more depth:

The villain at Stage One will have a general weakness to either physical or magical attacks. I looked at a more complex way of using classes but in the end I think it’s a bit too soon and not everyone who plays will be experienced gamers – in other words I’m going to keep this IBT#3 simple as possible for classes

For example: You face a villain on the Stage One battle post, she is a Sand witch with strength of 2; and has a weakness to physical attacks. 

Special field affect for Stage One Villain (Sand witch) might be:

  • Warrior class + 1 to dice roll 
  • The Thief class 0 to dice roll 
  • Wizard class -1 to dice roll 

..Now, lets pretend I’m a warrior class, so I reply with “lordnigel the warrior attacks with super toast making slicer to the Sand witches head @rollthedice” 

The @rollthedice bot replies with a dice roll of a 1. As I am a warrior class, I get plus 1 due to the Special field affect – presto I reached the required minimal dice score of two; I can move on to Stage two and did not lose a life point (I'll also share in the Steem for this post for winning in the first go).

 ...Now, lets pretend I’m a Wizard class, so I reply with “lordnigel the wizard attacks with lightening strike to the sand witches groin @rollthedice”. The @rolldice bot replies with a dice roll of a 2. As I am a wizard class, I get - 1 due to the Special field affect  giving me only a score of 1 (but I needed a 2 or more to defeat the Sand witch). Therefore I lose a life point and must attack again if I wish to progress to Stage Two. 

NOTE: as I did not win the fight in the first attempt, I will also not share in a split of the Steem prize payout for this post. 

..Now, let’s pretend I’m a Thief class, so I reply with “lordnigel the thief picks the Sand witches pocket @pickpocket” The @pickpocket bot replies with, “Sweet, you received a magic rabbit’s foot that gives you +1 to every dice roll.” 

Happy with this bonus, I proceed to attack the Sand witch, so I reply with “lordnigel the theif attacks with a dirty dagger to the guts @rollthedice”. The @rolldice bot replies with a dice roll of a 1, normally this would mean I lost, but because I have the luck rabbit’s foot I get a passive ongoing +1 to all dice rolls (as long as I have the item). Therefore I won; I don’t lose a life or have to try again and can proceed to the next stage. 

Why this way? Hopefully people can be honest, understand the rules and then be self paced and make their way through each Stage post, practically on their own. 

I will of course cheer and  do an audit as we move along, if I see someone messing up/of track, I’ll try to advise, but if you continue before I advise, or cheat - sure you can progress, but I will remove any winnings from that point on.. 

This will be hard as some people may struggle to understand the rules a bit, but anything else and it will get too hard for me to manage and people will have to wait for me to interact, much better if they understand and can progress self paced, It also allows me to interact self paced as well :). Hey, it’s experimental still…so lets just see how it goes :) 

Boss round. The boss can be defeated by a random dice roll number between 1 and 12. Everyone simply posts their attack and in the reply @rolltwodice??After approx 7 days I will roll the dice on behalf of the Boss, which ever players rolled the same number win.

 If multiple people get the same dice then prize will be split evenly. If only one person lucks it, they get the lot. If no-one lucks it, then the prize jackpots for IBT#4. 

Question? Final comments? ...please keep in mind, we are trying new elements here so we can’t get too complex…however, if there is an obvious big flaw or some last minute tips or out right opposition to the approach please yell out now :)

 Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image  above.  100% of Steem raised from this post will go towards the IBT#3 Prizes. Other images were captured from the abandoware game romance-of-the-three-kingdoms.

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