What If... (Giving away 3 SBD with a simple contest!)

  • We had a medium-sized bag that, despite the looks of its size, could fit so many items, just like the inventory bag of RPG game characters.
  • We had a gadget that could automatically record our activities, basing it on our speech and movement. (Like an automatic journal.)
  • There was a pen that could automatically write down anything we want, without even having to pick it up.
  • Or that pen would never run out of ink.
  • There was a healing patch that we could put on painful parts of the body or even headaches, and it would absorb the pain, thus removing it from the body. (not just those alleviate the pain, but really removes it)
  • There was a potion that could help us forget our woes.
  • We had a pod where we just need to get inside of, and automatically, when we emerge out of it, we have already bathed, eaten, brushed our teeth, and combed our hair.
  • We had a device that we could use to transmit our thoughts to a PC or laptop, so that when we have really great ideas, we could just save it for reference. (Like when you have scenes in your head that you think would make a really good scene in a video or movie.)
  • There was a bed that you could set an alarm on to wake you up by making you sit up in bed.
  • There was a phone that had a built-in projector.
  • We had chairs that could be folded into a book-sized rectangular piece that could fit into a bag, so that we could carry it around anywhere.
  • There was a truth-telling serum that would, as the name implies, compel the user to speak only the truth for a certain length of time depending on the dosage.

I remember writing this around 6 years ago. I think some of these have actually already been invented? Or atleast already have prototypes of them. And thinking of this, it just makes you think of how much the world has already advanced. One moment, you'd think it's impossible, and years later, you see it become a reality.

So now in this present time, I'm gonna try adding some more what ifs to the list I made before. Let's see what I can come up with :>

What if...

  • We can create a way to suck out those excess fats without having to spend thousands of money. B-)
  • The Dokodemo Door becomes a reality. (Where would you go? )
  • There was a restoration device that will reconstruct things into their original state provided they haven't been destroyed/deconstructed for more than a day. ( Like the power of Tatsuya in Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei)
  • There was a head-device that enhances brain learning so that we can quickly grasps concepts or learn new crafts and skills much like how Sims can learn so quickly just by "practicing" or "studying" for a few hours.
  • People could converse in dreams/thoughts, if both of them chose to allow the connection.

I must say, maybe I was more creative then, or maybe there's just so much existing things already that it's hard to come up with something new.

So, how about you guys?

Care to share your what ifs? ^^

Leave some in the comments below if you can think of some!

When this post payouts, I'm gonna give out a prize to the one with the "what if" that interests me the most,

but it has to be something that has not been made yet!

And you have to first upvote this post. ;>

The prize is 3 SBD.

I know it's not much, but all you have to do is upvote and comment, right? :3

And SBD's value is pretty high right now too. So, extra SBDs are never bad. :D

Before I announce the winner, I just want to give say that you have given me such wonderful what ifs, that I had a bit of some trouble choosing! But it was really fun for me going through all your submissions that I will definitely make another contest sometime soon. :3

And the winner is...


I will send you the prize when this post pays out! ;>

Also, I'd just like to special mention a few others who came close to changing my mind. I can't give you any prize, but I thought your "what if"s deserve the recognition :

Thank you so much to everyone who joined! I hope you join again next time I hold one! :3

That has been me for this post.

Good day, Steemians! :3


Image taken from pexels.com

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