IFC - S1 : R30 entry - Most Important Issue - iexplore's gift to the world

Greetings from Cryptopia

This is my entry to the Information Finding Championship Round 30 - Most Important Issue.
If you would like to enter this round click here to see the official rules. Follow along @ifc and Good luck to all!



I took this picture a few years ago at The Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glenn, New York. The Farm Sanctuary is one of the most popular farm animal rescues in the US, if not the world. It has such a great story from it's founder Gene Bauer. But this post is less about the sanctuary and more about this quote I captured on my way out.

Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.

Such a power and thought provoking quote. But I feel the most important part of the quote is missing and that is the beginning of what Albert Schweitzer was mentioning.

We must fight against the spirit of unconscious cruelty with which we treat the animals. Animals suffer as much as we do. True humanity does not allow us to impose such sufferings on them. It is our duty to make the whole world recognize it.

My original thinking towards this post was the lack of compassion in this world, which I still believe is a big issue, but the phrase "spirit of unconscious" really stood out to me.

Could this be the biggest issue we all face as humanity? Are we that inept from reality? Unconscious decision making is one of the biggest issues we face today on this planet.

Can you answers these questions today?

  • When you throw something away in the trash...Do you know where it's going?
  • When you eat that hamburger...Do you know the harm you've caused?
  • Drinking that cup of coffee...Do you know the impact that affects you brain capacity?
  • Conscious consumerism...Do you know where, who, what, how that product was made and the impact that has made?
  • The money in your 401k...Do you know the "big businesses" you are supporting?
  • Your bank account...Again do you know the companies and agendas they are supporting?
  • Your own workplace...Who and what do they support?

All of these are decisions made unconsciously. "We must fight against the spirit of unconsciousness!" Because in the end you are the one making these decisions.

We get caught up in our daily lives in developed countries and we have all these material "things" to just keep buying and throwing away. What if we all can expand our relative thinking a little more and just be more conscious on the decisions we make? Well you might say, "I didn't know", but in the end who's fault is that? Your own for not asking?

To better ourselves, better our communities, and better our world, lets be more conscious of our every day activities and their impacts on the world.

I leave you with a trailer of the documentary Prosperity. Here you will find the solution to this issue! It even features a local organic farm near me! Enjoy and keep Exploring!

Keep Exploring!.jpg

Fresh Fields.png

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