SBI contest #003 status | 25 Hours Left to join !!!

The Status of SBI Contest #003

18 Participants joined...

Overview of entries we have till date...

  1. SBI Share @maykolcontreras
  2. SBI Share @shaungerow
  3. SBI share @bernardtan
  4. SBI share @amityadav75752
  5. SBI Share @mango-juice
  6. Let me try your giveaway SBI Share @chrismadcboy2016
  7. SBI Share @libertycrypto27
  8. SBI Share @steemizm
  9. SBI Share @chireerocks.
  10. Sbi share @fredkese
    Tagging @olivia08
  11. SBI share @olivia08
    Tagging @sarimanok
  12. SBI Share @treodecimo
  13. SBI Share @aekraj
  14. SBI share @dailyjackpot
  15. SBI Share @harlhana
  16. SBI Share @hokkaido
  17. SBI Share @vote-transfer
  18. sbi share @teutonium

Invalid Entries

We have 1 invalid entry by now
@jaylordlobitana commented in wrong format. Please correct your format as
SBI share "@yourusername"
Tagging "@username_tagged".

we have got resteemers - thanks a lot and there are some specials rewards coming only for resteemers. so keep resteeming 😉😉.
And also we have some new participants - welcome and good luck.

If I forgot someone in the list then let me know about it I'll update.

Join then contest here before it ends and get amazing rewards.

If I forget someone then let me know I'll update.

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