Our actions define us, contest part 8 - win 5 steem🚀🚀


I'm generous god is today's theme for me. I'm not greedy but I'm not generous neither in reality.
I feel like my posts could get some notice if I throw more than my 100% upvotes in, so today I'm giving 5 steem🏆 to the best answer for my task which will be hmm...

Use one swearing word in a sentence where you tell gently other person that she/he is wrong in the matter

Why this kind of bullsh-t you ask?
Maybe because of my personal reasons, I recently have noticed I'm not much people's person anymore and I often end up in situations where I might offended someone just by a mistake. I'm short-tempered a bit and sometimes I lose my cool and it's been quite a lot lately. I wasn't always like this though I could smile all day and not give a fck but something has changed so tell me how would you act in these type situations.

Another thing

I'm having hard time to find interesting content from steemit, if you feel like sharing some of your posts or someone else's that's worth my time then I'd recommend to point me towards those ➔
I'd say main issues in steemit are the spammers, self upvoters & people who comment shit without reading much further than first sentence. If you see such activity I HIGHLY recommend to flag this kind of stuff immediately, it's doing more harm than anything good.

This contest will be longer than a day - I'll announce the winner 28th of July - midday
I'm trying to keep these posts short always so people bother reading em but just one more thäng....


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