The latest contest / giveaway results

Nearly a week ago I held a "contest" for people with low account values to provide a link of just anything and provided it was in English I would 100% upvote it. I think it was a success and I got to read a bunch of interesting stuff and ended up following a few more folks in the meantime.

The original contest article can be seen here


I got a decent turnout this time but was a little disappointed that we never even achieved the 20 entries I had hoped for. Oh well, I read all of what was submitted and i upvoted all of your posts 100% too. I ended up following a few people in the process as well. There's some really good content out there and I wish you all the best on getting greater exposure for your work.

Anyway, while there were a lot of good entries / links provided, I had to select just one as the "winner"


took this from your FB, hope that is ok

I find most of his (or is it their?) work to be really interesting because I am so damn awful at gardening. The soil in all the places I have lived tends to be quite bad so the idea of growing plants out of bails of hay is very intriguing to me and based on the steps that I am shown by Opie (i hope i spelled that right) it looks like anyone can manage to get this going in their own yard.

here is the post in question, although there are MANY of them

One of the main things I like is the production value that goes into these videos and they are long enough to give you all the the details but also not too long. Basically i never find myself saying "friggin....get on with it already!"

I have resteemed your article, am following you, and I think those of you that don't follow @brewcitygardener already should consider doing so as well. It is the sort of informative content that I think this platform desperately needs more of. Very well-done. Oh, i'm gonna send you some STEEM as well. Keep an eye out for that.

Thanks to everyone else that entered and unless anyone objects, I am going to start having these every week or so. Even if you don't win, you still get an decent upvote and I hope that is at least appreciated.

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