My SBD Giveaway at 200 followers!!!

Hello guys and girls I'm going to be doing a SBD giveaway at 200 followers.
So if you want a chance to be entered you have to follow me and be a real follower.

Forgive me for the picture I know it's not the best but I tried and it's from then colored by me lol


Real follower means:

  1. leave a thoughtful comment about my blog, it can be about any of my post doesn't matter wich one, leave your comment down below this post.

2.Upvote this post to show me you are a real follower and not a scammer and this shows me you support my blog.

3.Resteem this post to your blog to spread the world about this giveaway and to let people know every 100 followers after this giveaway I will do another giveaway even bigger then this first one.

After you did those three things leave another comment down below this post with your steemit name and the word done.

I will check to see if you followed the rules and if you did then your in the giveaway easy as that.
I will give 2 sbd to 2 followers. When I get to 300 followers I will give 3 sbd to 2 followers and so on and so forth if you understand what I'm saying.

Help me grow and I'll help you grow thats what this platform is about. I find it alot easier at night to sleep when I know I've help someone out earlier in that day and you should too.

After the 2 winners are picked I'll make a post telling who the winners where. That's if I ever get to 200 followers.

I will write down everyones name and let my girlfriend pick the winners out of my Crown Royal bag. I'm not a fan of that random name picker because I've entered contest and giveaways over a thousand times on youtube and never won once so I dont like it.

So you should have 2 comments at the bottom of this post if not then you can't read or follow rules so you won't be entered
If your not a real follower you will not be entered. Good luck everybody and until next time steemit to the moon!!

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