Hey everyone. Last weeks contest was the BEST EVER we also hit number 1 on comments on Steemit for the day, Awesome!!

A few really cool statistics we had 1210 views and an astounding 648 comments. THE MOST in all departments for this contest EVER. This has been a weekly trend for the last 3 weeks, AMAZING, Thanks everyone so much, it really was great.

Last week Wednesday's winners were, 1st comment @frankabelle 0.30 SBD a second time winner of the first comment prize well done. 30th comment and 0.90 SBD went to @penderis (the deputy) a regular and fellow South African well done again. 1.1 SBD and 60th comment went to @ancapbarbie who won two prizes in this contest the really amazing thing is this was her first tourney congrats that was really awesome. The 110 th comment and 1.3 SBD went to @aamirijaz (the sheriff) another regular and the 'law' in these parts. 169th consolation prize went to @miranas another regular and for comment 170 and 2.2 SBD went to @ancapbarbie again. Congrats. My last two prizes at 269 the sniper just missed the top prize and won 0.60 well done @em3 again and the final prize and champ of the day of comment 270 and 3 SBD went to @public-eye.

To Enter: You need to tag a mate Example: @aquahelix preceded by the number of your comment. Example: 1 @aquahelix relative to your commenting order. So if 1 @doc.hodes 2 @mykos 3 @janine-ariane 4 @aquahelix commented before you, you will be 5 @yourtagsname. Make sure you put the number numerically and a space between the number and the person you have tagged this is very important if the format is not met it wont be considered an entry. You may comment and say anything you like as with other contests but it is very important as a valid entry to start with the number then tag then you may say whatever you wish. Example: 55 @craigcryptoking It is December the sun is up the weather is fine and the beer is cold. Please note: your next comment will need to be 56 @yourtagsname and a comment because 55 @craigcryptoking just commented and was the 55th person to do so, you will hence need to be 56 @yourtagsname .

You may comment as many times as you wish, however not consecutively after yourself you need one other contestant to comment in between your last comment to make your next one valid. Every time you re-comment tag a different friend/follower of yours and reply to this post to count and not to comments to count as to avoid confusion and please don't tag the same person twice.


Be number 1 and you will win 0.20 SBD
Be number 30 and you will win 0.80 SBD
Be number 60 and you will win 1.0 SBD
Be number 110 and you will win 1.20SBD
Be number 169 and you will win 0.60 SBD (consolation prize)
Be number 170 and you will win the 2.2 SBD

You may win more than one prize in this contest like my others where you may win multiple times, however can only win every second prize for example prize 1-60-170. I have the final say and decision on numbers, Where confusion may arise you as well as someone else both posted the same number in which case you will need to edit your post to be the next correct number after the previous comment. If there is a dispute I will have the final say settle accordingly ie (pay both) or split the prize as I have many times before.

This will be the 'TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM AND TAG A MATE CONTEST' Mascot, Whenever you see this get commenting. The more the merrier the higher your chances.


As per the controversy we had last week I had many suggestions from regulars as well as a witness who's insights are greatly appreciated, in accordance with that, we will be mixing it up a little, but certainly will not be detracting from the FUN and ADRENALINE factor, in-fact we may even have CRANKED it up thanks to all the suggestions.

What I am now doing as 'tester' for a week or two is run this contest twice a week one Wednesday and one Friday both will be 6 SBD contests (The total 12 SBD prize money on both contests together is now HIGHER THAN EVER) however each contest will be shortened so the top comment will be around 170 - 180 out of respect for the witnesses, the new contestants with bandwidth issues as well as the Steemit community. My goal here is to make friends, make smiles and see everyone happy and I think that with these few uncomplicated changes this contest can be even greater than ever.


Please only tag friends or someone you KNOW will want to get involved in this.
In order to avoid the potential 'spammy nature' of the tag try and put a comment after the tag, ie: try be more interactive, (many of you already are which is amazing thank you)
Always respect other contestants/newbies/whales/witnesses no matter WHAT THEY SAY be respectful to their insights/input, it is for all our benefit!

We will be adding to the list of Steemians who we ARE NOT to TAG if they are tagged by mistake or otherwise that entry will be null and void. PLEASE DO NOT TAG @ lukestokes and DO NOT tag @ sherlockholmes.

A last word from me. To anyone tagged who is not keen to participate and is tagged I sincerely apologize in advance, do let me know and I will add your name to the list to be sure you are not tagged in future ;)

Now that we have taken care of the housekeeping let the EPIC GAMES BEGIN......

Competition starts now.

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