STEEMIT Can Apply For a $2 MILLION Prize Offered by Mozilla To Build Decentralized Solutions

Wow, Steemit community I just came across an epic opportunity for someone or a team of Steemians to build awareness for Steem, build partnerships with Mozilla and the National Science Foundation, and make $2 million for the Steemit community.


Mozilla is now accepting applications from businesses, organizations, non-profits, and individuals for two challenges for (2) Wireless Innovation for a Networked Society (WINS).

One challenge, the "Off-the-Grid Internet Challenge," purpose to find the best decentralized solution (s) that help get people get connected online after a disaster. I am curious to if the decentralized blockchain technology Steemit is built on could help provide sometime of solution, whether it be operational or currency related.

The other contest is the "Smart Community Networks Challenge" which is looking for solutions to connect people online to allow them to live their daily lives in areas in the United States where technological related solutions are not an option.

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  • solve a humanitarian need

  • build strategic cooperative partnerships with two large organizations, Mozilla and the National Science Foundation.

  • build brand awareness of Steem and the Steemit community and concept to areas as their first impression with digital solutions (can you imagine Steemit being front and center in these communities)

  • receive a large amount of funds that could be used for future awareness and branding campaigns or whatever the community chooses


What do you think? There has to be one if not multiple applications of Steemit and Steem's platform and technology to solve these challenges. Someone or team of us Steemians has to have the expertise, knowledge, time, effort, and resources to get achieve this goal.

Here is the link to apply:

Mozilla blog post:

Thanks as always for you time and attention.



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