$180+ worth of downvotes does bunny deserve this?

They just couldn’t drop it they had to downvote this post too. Well so much for getting past this and being all one happy community. I suppose I have to post another negative post to inform people of this bull. Still no one identified as @adm or @blacklost-a has spoken up.
I would really like to get past this downvoting it hurts the community not just me.

So here is another $100 dollars worth of downvotes. Like I haven't already learned my lesson. Just gotta kick a bunny when he is down. Big and bad @adm and @Steemcleaners. Protecting Steemit from contests that give SBD to the little guy.

Taking the carrots right out of my families mouths. Sigh. Think about what is becoming of Steemit if this happens to me.

This will be the last post I'm going to use the bid bots on for a while. It seems the ratios of what is needed to get on trending changed and I hadn't noticed that. I had inadvertently put my posts high on trending too often since I hadn't realized it didn't take as much as in the past to get to trending. That was an honest mistake I would have corrected had I been asked to do so. But if you read anything by me you know I wasn't asked just hit with $160+ of downvotes.

I wish things had been handled differently. I would have worked with people but wasn't given the consideration to be notified before getting hit with the downvotes. This promotes a negative environment that I am having a hard time being as excited for as I was before this series of events.

I hope @Steemcleaners and @adm and the other police bots think about that. The shoot first (downvote) policy before talking to the offender really does leave a sour taste about the interaction. Too mnay sour interactions and Steem starts losing users and content creators.

So this is not a contest and it is an informative post upvoted to a reasonable value to be seen. Let's see if it gets a downvote. I don't think it should based on feed back of things to correct. If it does then the downvoters might just be full of crap and they don't apply fair rules at all.

So let's see what happens if this post gets downvote or not.

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Everything will be cool if I've gotten the last downvote since every contest has been downvoted. Only non contest and informative posts are left and those shouldn't get downvotes right? So long as that doesn't happen I'll happily move on. (come on they won't pick a fight with me over my pictures and informative post would they?) . Nah I've followed


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