Quest In The Realms – An Interactive Bananafish Production! - Episode 50

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Look who’s there, a wandering adventurer looking for the Bananafish treasure! This episode is part of the interactive story/treasure hunt called “Quest In The Realms”. If you landed on this page because you’re trying to solve the mystery, don’t hesitate and keep delving in the story. If you came here through random loitering, what are you waiting for!?



Back-blow currents from Oddy's train hurtling past howls through the tunnel. Pressure pulls on your fleeing band, forcing you to cling to the wall with desperation. You're close enough to reach out and touch the racing locomotive. Losing balance in these tight confines would leave you a splattered smear on the tracks. Hands clawing into craggy divots, you're praying for the damned thing to hurry by when a screeching whine rings out!

Grinding iron shoots sparks beneath the final railcar rushing past. The sucking forces dragging against you finally ease and you're able to release your spider monkey hold on the wall. Panicking shrieks of sliding metal cry out with anguished attempts to slow the rampaging train.

Gagging from the burning ozone stench of the brakes, your band runs for your lives. Behind you, the scraping whines crescendo into an echoing snap!

Unable to help yourself, you skid to a stop and whirl in time to watch the train skip off the curving track. Oddy's over-amped engine derails with a thud! Rumbling tremors shake the ground, jostling through the attached cars. An explosion of gravel and dirt sprays in the purple beam of headlights before they ram into the unforgiving basalt wall.

The thunderous impact wakes the sleeping giant of the volcano. Shuddering quakes throws your band to the ground. Earsplitting cracks shatter the tunnel's integrity. A torrent of boulders and earth collapses from the ceiling, buckling the thick metal of the train like a tin can.

Tio Billy's screams of, "COVER YOUR..." are cut off by the deafening roar of the cave-in raining down retribution.

Falling debris tears fiery gouges into your back. Burying your head beneath your arms, you feel a harsh tug your ankle. The strong grip hauls you back into a huddle with your quivering bandmates. Eyes clenching tight, you ride out the convulsions of what you're sure will be your tomb.

After what feels like an eternity, the quakes subside. Coughing from the dirt you've inhaled, you painfully stumble to the edge of the fallen mass. There's no sign of the train beneath the rubble that buried Oddy and his minions.

Laughter barks out from Tres, "BWWaaa!! HAHAHAHA!! Last stop! Maniacs, mutants and morons!"

The electric rush of being ALIVE hits you with his macabre merriment. Despite the aches and exhaustion wracking you, your snickering snorts joins with their celebratory guffaws.

Coming down from your hysterical high, you wipe the tears and grit from your eyes. Peering into the pitch, a realization saps your remaining mirth. You pat your pockets for your lighter but, no dice.

"Uh...guys? Does anyone have a light?"

Machete answers, "Got mine!" A spark jumps from his lighter but no flame. Flick. Spark. Flick. Spark. "Fuck."

You're alone in the darkness of this underground maze. Oddy's insane chase through the tunnels left you with no idea which direction to go.

You wonder, is this the end?

  • Your adventure ends here.

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