Quest In The Realms - An Interactive Bananafish Production! - Episode 46

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Look who’s there, a wandering adventurer looking for the Bananafish treasure! This episode is part of the interactive story/treasure hunt called “Quest In The Realms”. If you landed on this page because you’re trying to solve the mystery, don’t hesitate and keep delving in the story. If you came here through random loitering, what are you waiting for!?



Quakes beneath your feet from the shuddering force of the approaching train spur your fleeing band towards Vic's ghost. Better to go with the devil you know, you think.

Loose gravel crunches complaints as you speed behind the punk girl's specter. Her luminous form glides above the rails, an aquamarine beacon in the remorseless ink of the maze. Skidding down a dip in the track, you gasp, "Is there a way out?"

Twisting to float backward, Vic snarks sardonically, "What do you think, shithead?" Voice dripping with smug vindication, she adds, "Told you the Tortillas needed me."

Biting back your retort, Like another hole in my ass..., you nod. You're screwed if she takes off in a snit. Legs threatening mutiny, you focus on the worming path and the pained breaths from your band. Each pounding step punctuates a plea in your mind to every deity you can think of. Please have that psycho pick the other tunnel!

Hope blossoms with the answering whine of metallic kisses heralding through the passageway. Only to wither with the approaching Chugg-a-tugga. Chugg-a-tugga from a speeding engine.

Machete yelps, "That crazy bastard's gaining on us!"

Ominous purple light slices the dark hollow between the basalt walls. Turning, you see the disturbed product of a mating between a hobgoblin and the Orient Express barreling your way! Blacklight shines from the sinister eye-sockets set above a twisted metal grin.

Amplified through a speaker, Oddy's voice jeers, "Just a shot in the dark but, are the Tortillas scared of fame?"

Screaming, your band careens after Vic's specter as she veers into another tunnel. "This way!" she yells. "There’s a service exit to the beach just past this...” Her voice drifts off and you see why.

Tumbled boulders have swallowed the tracks, choking off an escape. Oddy's demented underground fun house was as unstable as he is! Glaring, your band bellows at Vic for leading you to a dead end!

Banshee wails from the train's whistle echo closer! Vic's ghost floats to the ceiling, contemplates the cave-in, then returns.

"Listen up pudwhackers,” she points to the sloping tunnel behind you, "Get your asses back there and hug the wall.”

Seeing the confusion on your faces she snaps, “So you’re not here when the train crashes, dumb asses! I will attract it this way and create the illusion of free passage.”

With a speed envied by cartoon coyotes, the mass of fallen rocks wavers and vanishes. In its place stretches an empty expanse of tracks into darkness.

You leap from the rails, keeping close to the cold rock wall as you sprint towards the oncoming lights. Vic calls out behind you, “But, this is the time to know if you’re loyal to the Yellow King!”

  • If you have been fire-branded on your ass by the Yellow King, turn to 51
  • If you have not, turn to 50


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