Quest In The Realms - An Interactive Bananafish Production! - Episode 41

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Look who’s there, a wandering adventurer looking for the Bananafish treasure! This episode is part of the interactive story/treasure hunt called “Quest In The Realms”. If you landed on this page because you’re trying to solve the mystery, don’t hesitate and keep delving in the story. If you came here through random loitering, what are you waiting for!?



Straining against the machines bonds, pulsations of pink light churn your stomach. Gyrations of your hips shimmy you closer to your hand. And Tres said practicing Jackson's Smooth Criminal dance moves was a waste of time, you think. Your desperate fingers wiggle into a pants pocket for your sharpened guitar pick.

Though never a boy scout, you've learned to prepare after some of the shit the band has been through.

Tendons aching from the awkward angle, you slash the strap pinning your wrist. Burning acid crawls up your throat in warning of an imminent hurl. Eyes slamming shut, you battle nausea. You don't need the deformed deviants noticing your guitar pick. Besides, if you do spew a chunky wonderfall, it's going to be in Oddy's face.

Hacking the strap weakens it enough for you to twist your hand loose. Luckily, Oddy's orations holds the rapt attention of his monstrous henchmen. Slicing the remaining bonds, you ease from the table and free your bandmates.

Ecstatic hoots from Oddy's goons masks the creaking of the floor as your band creeps from the lab. Fleeing from the villa, you haul ass into the cover of the forest towards the promising haven of the volcano.

Surreal blurs of green underbrush lash against you in the race to find somewhere to hide.

Machete gasps, "Over here!"

Beyond the trees is a ramshackle building set against the volcano's side. Wheezing from the helter-skelter dash, your band rushes inside the abandoned shelter.

Eyes adjusting to the dim interior, your relief plummets into dismay. A scattered array of mining tools leads into a gaping maw carved from the bedrock!

Following the passage, you discover a junction set with railroad tracks. Your frustration growls into the stale air, "Now which way?"

Tres shoves your shoulder before striding into the depths of the volcano.

"Away from the psycho, cabrón,” he says.

Acrid tinges of ammonia wrinkle your nose while your band wanders the gloom of the labyrinth. Bats are likely roosting within the dozens of offshoots marked:


Visions of flying rats swooping down ripples a shudder along your spine. You're regretting the decision to explore this dark maze.

Bypassing another unfinished tunnel, Tio whispers, "What's that noise?"

You stop and listen.

THuK-Tuukka. THuK-Tuukka. THuK-TuKKa.

Whatever it is, it's getting closer...

Realization strikes when Oddy's voice echoes along the carved channel.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Now boarding! Megastars, Minions, and Muchachos! My LOCO-Motive is coming for you, Tortillas!"

Shit! The megalomaniac has found you! Sprinting for your lives, your band soon reaches a fork in the rails.

In the left passageway stands one of Oddy’s minions. Orange orbs gleam in his melted features as he whispers, “I’m an O.M.M.A. agent undercover, follow me!”

Floating in the tunnel to the right is the wispy ghost of Vic the Punk. Her warbled audition singing 'Too Many Pricks' ended with The Tortillas unplugging her mic and a rejection. Vic’s ghost beckons you to follow her.


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