Escape the School: Winter Break Round 5

It’s the last day of classes and 5th grade teacher Mrs. Kringle wants to get home to celebrate winter break. Mrs. Kringle has to teach classes, deal with students excited for the holidays, and keep her sanity. Escaping her school on the last day of classes is quite the challenge and she needs your help!

Mrs. Kringle will face a new challenge in each chapter and must make a decision. You will choose which of the options is the best to help Mrs. Kringle Escape the School, and post your answer in the comments.

Players who choose the correct answer will continue to the next round. Players who choose the wrong answers will be eliminated.
escape winter.jpg

Player eliminated for no response:


Option 1 She should go back to the gym to check on her students.

Those who chose this choice are ELIMINATED!


Mrs. Kringle is worried about her kids so she rushes back into the gym. She runs as fast as she can into the room. BAMMM!!! Mrs. Kringle gets hit with a dodgeball in the face. She is so surprised by the impact she falls to the floor and is knocked out cold. Poor Mrs. Kringle! She couldn't start her break for a few days until she recovered.

Option 2 She should check the science classroom.

Those who chose this choice are still in the game.

Mrs. Kringle rushes into the science classroom. A class of students turns to her as she interrupts their teacher lecturing. Mrs. Kringle, embarrassed leaves. She then hears her students screaming and laughing in the gym.

Option 3 She should go to the girls bathroom to see if there is a student in trouble.

Those who chose this choice are ELIMINATED.


Mrs. Kringle checks the bathroom but it is empty. She opens the door to leave but it is locked. The students played a trick on her! When her class returns from gym they mess around without telling anyone. Nobody knows Mrs. Kringle is missing until the janitor unlocks the door to clean long after the kids have left for the day.

Option 4 She should ignore all sounds and head to her car.

Those who chose this choice are ELIMINATED.

Mrs. Kringle heads to her car to grab her books. The day is peaceful and the parking lot seems empty. As she walks back to the school, she opens one of her favorite novels and begins read. She is so enthralled by her book that she fails to notice a car speed into the parking lot. She forgets to look both ways before crossing the street and gets hit by the car! Mrs. Kringle ends up in the hospital all break!

Still In The Game

Welcome to Round 5!

Science Class

Mrs. Kringle is harried, frazzled and getting paranoid. What next?

Her kids settle into their seats after gym class. She is hoping Coach Scott tired them out, but she is not counting on it.

If she didn't need a break, she definitely needs one now!

Luckily there is not much to do in science but review, since it's the last day. She has the students open their textbooks and review what they have learned the last few weeks.

The class grows silent. She senses something, but continues talking to not alert the kids.

Suddenly a few children in the back start coughing. It spreads, soon all the kids are coughing, as is Mrs. Kringle. Her eyes are watering and she can't stop coughing! Everyone is coughing uncontrollably.

What should she do?

Option 1 Open the window

Option 2 Rush the children out into the hall

Option 3 Tell everyone to get on the ground

Option 4 Call the office for help

The options are in the comments below. Comment under the option of your choice.

The next chapter in Escape the School will be posted Wednesday December 20 at about 8 pm Pacific. Players who choose the correct answer will move on to round 5. Players who choose the wrong answer will be eliminated.

Thank you to @hanshotfirst for the generous donation of $50 STEEM for the challenge, and thank you @marxrab and @arbitrarykitten for your game creation and running efforts!

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Good Luck!

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