Weekly Link-up Party #9: Confidence

Welcome back!!! The first party was a success and look forward to the amazing work I will be reading from everyone. I want to thank Shawna again for helping make this party possible. Here’s my thought this week…


We keep looking for this in all the wrong places. We also possess a much skewed perception of our own. There are too many times that we allow ourselves to be blinded of the truth by letting the lies consume us. We get stuck in that dark pit and feel like there is no way out. I have been in this pit at certain times of my life too.

True confidence is located in us and nowhere else. When we base our confidence on people, situations or things, we are setting ourselves up to fail. Why? Because life is always changing and these things are not able to sustain their importance forever. Determining our level of confidence is like giving someone flowers. At first, they are amazing, beautiful and inspire positive thoughts. Then when the flowers die we just throw them away and forget about the positive thoughts.

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When our confidence is based on the truths within us, we can be unstoppable. Doing this is like looking at a picture, trophy, award, etc…. These items never change and neither do our feelings when we see it. There is a sense of accomplishment and a boost in our self-esteem every time we do this. It’s very important to remember this when we start sliding back into that dark pit. I know it’s not easy but it’s possible to do. Let’s work together to strengthen each other’s confidence.

Now for the exciting information. I will award two people 2SBD each, all thanks to Shawna who is sponsoring this. Be sure to follow her. She is amazing and does amazing work with others too.

Here are the rules to participate in this party:

-You must write an original post about “One thing about yourself that always helps your self-confidence”. Please make sure that it’s at least 250 words.

-Use “shareinspireconquer” as your first tag

-Share only one link below in the comments

-Upvote this post and follow me :)

-Your original post needs to be published by Sunday April 1 2018

I am looking forward to reading and sharing your work. Thank you for visiting. I encourage everyone to Resteem, Upvote and Follow. Until my next post... Share. Inspire. Conquer.

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