Quest In The Realms: a treasure hunt for bold adventurers!

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30 STEEM, 30 @steembasicincome shares and 10 @steemmonsters Beta Booster Packs are waiting for one bold adventurer to grab them!

11 February 2019: the adventure begins. Mark the date!

The time has come! @f3nix's writing here, your Bananafish prophet for all seasons. Finally, I'm ready to rip the Maya's veil and to describe this unique project. A massive co-writing adventure on which each @bananafish core member worked hard in the last weeks:

the Quest In The Realms

Will it be fun? Will I win big time? YES and YES! The Quest In The Realms (QITR) is a unique playable format which combines a multiple-endings adventure with a treasure hunt. The result is a contest where you will try to survive through a 55 episodes story and, at the same time, get your boozy old hands on a treasure chest of 30 STEEM!

The Bananafish family wants to make this event become a true party and a unique opportunity to reward as many steemians as possible!

And this is where an additional 30 @steembasicincome shares pot comes in! We will distribute one or more SBI shares to the participants that played the adventure, sending us the QITR solution, and to those with the best comments to the episodes!

Infographics are better than a river of words. That's why the Bananafish whispered once again to my ear, revealing to me the following "Adventurer's Guide". Let's cut to the chase and explore into details how this wondrous quest works!



How do I finish this article after such infographics, so ingenious that would make Machiavelli blush like a third-grader? (boasting time!). But, of course, with nominating all the Bananafish core members that made this possible:

@tristancarax (the inspirer and decision tree consultant), @ntowl (our professional editor), @marcoriccardi (decision tree chief), @brisby (statistics & marketing research), @cyemela (main storyline consultant), @theironfelix (decision tree consultant and Cthulhu Fhtagn), @gwilberiol (master riddler), @dirge (main writer), @michaias (main writer), @calluna (main writer) and, last but not least, me @f3nix (format creator, Tortillas and main storyline creator, coordinator, supervisor, post-it fetichist)

A heartfelt thanks also to our precious partners @crowdmind (don't forget to vote the @crowdwitness as your witness!) and @steembasicincome. We Bananafishians strongly believe in the power of the crowd (I bet it. It's one year that we keep running every week a co-writing contest). Together we can accomplish wonderful things! Go @crowdmind, go @steembasicincome!

11 February 2019: the adventure begins!

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