Contest autograph antagonism organized on the break of International Mother Language Day

The two-month-long commodity antagonism is actuality organized from February 1, 2018 to 31 March 2018, in Bangla Wikipedia, on the break of 'International Mother Accent Day' with this slogan, 'Let me accession my language.' Anyone who can accompany this adaptation antagonism and if addition translates an article, he will additionally be accustomed a Digital Certificate from Wikimedia Bangladesh. For any help, bang actuality or bang Live Chat: # wikipedia-bn. Apart from new contributors, you can see this tutorial on creating articles.

The rules should be translated from any logged-in / logged-in account, the translated commodity from the IP is not acceptable. You can construe any accessories not ahead created from this list, but you charge construe the accomplished article. First, access the account and you can actualize an commodity accompanying to the red articulation from the 'Bengali name' area of the agnate list. (For the commodity you appetite to construe in, so that no one abroad can construe it, you can aboriginal actualize the commodity by advice two / three paragraphs of the article. Copy the cipher to {{the alive is activity on / 08}} on all of the commodity incomplete. You can accomplishment by abacus translations according to your time in the created article, but amuse leave the adaptation of added than 4 accessories incomplete. Less than two / three alongside translations and added than 4 abridged translations will be removed so that they can be created by anyone else.) Abridged adaptation accessories can not be submitted in the aftermost bristles canicule of the competition. Adaptation of translations or translations of Google translations in some way Not acceptable. From February 1, 2018 to 31 March 2012, the accessories created in this aeon are cab You can abide the analysis for anniversary review. Every user can actualize an commodity as abounding as you like. Add your name to the afterward participants in the commodity and back the commodity is finished, add the commodity with your signature in the commodity branch for the analysis beneath for review. Any Wikipedian in India and Bangladesh The reviewers can additionally participate in this antagonism But you can not analysis your own accessories manually.

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