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The hit and run sedan raced southward while the policeman radioed again. There were sirens and screams and through it all Tim could see Clive, the gas attendant running across the open space to help the person he had seen go down. Seeing Clive’s naivety, Tim raced after the gas attendant shouting after him “move away, don’t go near but Clive was hell bent on saving the zombie whom he taught was a human. When he got there eventually, he knelt beside the man who was now lying bare on the ground with face downward and immediately presumed him dead as there was no movement. He then turned to look in Tim’s direction wondering who he was, why he had shouted and ran after him, he heard what he understood to be a gibberish murmuring sounding very unfamiliar, coming right from the corpse in front of him. He bent forward and made a move to turn him sideways after which he let out a cry suddenly “holy shit!” my neck…….

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What the heck?!

Tim could see blood oozing out badly as he approached the gas attendant, he was already overpowered by the zombie and there was nothing Tim could have done further to save him. He muttered in disgust “another ignorant fool” He paused a little to answer the question that has since been on his mind, “how many people out there know nothing of the coming apocalypse? What if Jacob and Alison are also infected due to ignorance? He chose to evade the questions but he knew the stakes were high and the chances most probable. “Concede?! Not yet” Instead he would focus on finding Jacob and Alison before it is too late.

Tim could see the increasing number of zombies racing towards the petrol station, he was sure he heard a familiar voice scream, it was that of officer Rory and Tim could see him racing back from the highway towards the station, he knew if he didn’t act fast they will both be in trouble. Tim headed towards the Honda motorcycle he saw earlier, he climbed on it and turned the ignition key to start the motorcycle. It gave a very loud noise and roared to life. He could see the policeman and a handful of zombies approaching very fast; he made to move but stops shortly as the tired policeman bellows “wait for me!”

He could see the zombie almost overpowering Rory and he immediately reached into his rucksack and brought out a very familiar weapon “letting out a mischievous grin. With the tire iron firmly held in his right hand, calculating the distance between the zombies and the policeman, he saw that only one was actually close to Rory while the rest are some few meters behind, he then raced the motorcycle towards their direction and with strength and accuracy bashed the head of the zombie with the tire iron. He made a sharp turn away from the other zombie and stopped right in front of Rory.

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“Get in buddy!” he said.

The policeman heaved a sigh of relief and held onto the seat of the motorcycle, perhaps for fear of falling off or maybe guessed Tim’s intention of zooming off at high speed. The zombies are now unto them by an arm’s length, the motorcycle jerked forward and off they went. They continued their travel south away from the highway. The policeman held onto his almost impaired radio to communicate the Denver County Jail but all he could hear now is noise of a distorted wave of the radio transmission.

“County Jail, this is Officer Rory.” He shouted but the response gotten remains the same, suggesting to him that no one is answering on the other end, he said his thought aloud; what had happened to the officer that said earlier “Right away! I will pass it on”? He deliberated a little more on what he think could have happened back at the County Jail, but it was fruitless trying to picture the scenarios. Tim’s fears became intensified, thoughts of Jacob and Alison filled his head, he was helpless and all that is left is a fading hope.

Nevertheless, the duo continued their journey and they arrived at the railroad, the train seems deserted and quiet. Tim and Rory got off the motorcycle to have a look inside and possibly check if there were survivors. As they approached the train, they began to perceive scents like that of rotten animals. Tim looked about rapidly for any weapon of defense to replace his lost tire iron. At the entrance of the train, his eye caught something fascinating-a hockey stick; as they stepped right into the train, the site was like a pile of ruins “zombies everywhere” it appears that they are still sleeping.

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“Let’s get out of here before they wake up” Rory said to Tim. Tim understood what it means if all should awake. As they retreat gently Rory mistakenly stepped on an empty can of juice, it was as if their spirit has just been invoked while the zombies awake and rushed after them. They were now by their motorcycle and they are already coming in numbers of one….two……three etc. Tim tightened his grip around the hockey stick and called on Rory to start the motorcycle.

All that was left of their afternoon was bashing…bashing and bashing of zombies, it wasn’t long before the motorcycle engine roared to life.

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“Come on dude, in!” let’s leave this God forsaken place. They never made another stop until they got to Denver County Jail. The front gate of Denver security prison was wide open; It was almost nightfall “a little past 6pm”. They climbed down the motorcycle and Rory offer Tim to enter with him to rest his head for the night. Tim couldn’t refuse as he was very tired from the activities of the day and very hungry now, he took out bread and jam from his rucksack, offered one to Rory and he did justice to the second, then repositioned his rucksack on his shoulder and followed suit. Few meters to the opened gate, Tim asked Officer Rory from the rear; Is this how this gate is wide open at all times, “ referring to the open status of the gate”.

“No,” was the immediate response.

As they entered further, they noticed that the gate post was empty and there was no one at the gate. It arouses their suspicion further, a few meters west of the sign post at the gate lies a metal badge beautifully decorated with an inscription “Denver County Police Department- John Diggle. Rory picked it up, opened his mouth in awe and then turn to Tim “you know my partner I was trying to contact on the radio earlier?”

“Tim replied, negative!

His name is John Diggle; here is his badge, he showed it to Tim, there were traces of blood over the badge. Tim looked up and pointed at the sign post lying bare on the ground “they hadn’t taken any notice of it before” but there it was, painted red in blood. A little to the corner of the entrance are a pile of dead bodies “zombies”. One grabbed Rory from the rear, he panicked and reached out for the short pistol he has been saving for emergency situations and “bang!!!” fired a shot sending a deafening sound across the Denver County Jail compound; The gate post and every corners of the compound witnessed countless zombies trooping in towards the direction of the gun shot.

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“We are in trouble, they both exclaimed.

Without much of a calculation, they raced towards the main entrance of the prison.


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