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Let's be honest ¡PLEASE! ¿Can we? (Chapter Ten)

«-Smartasses - Badasses - Dumbasses - Halfasses-»

Have you ever wondered why the heck a good article, a brainy essay, an eloquent treatise, an original reportage, a fine piece of art, an astonishing photograph with an incredible story behind, an exceptional animation video or well created and informative vlog, or to make this list short, a simple entertaining blog post in which you have invested many hours and effort to create it with good taste with an appealing presentation and formatting well illustrated with ad hoc selected pictures, graphs, charts, videos and whatnot.

Why the heck all this "content" should have to forcefully be only found, appreciated, recognized, celebrated and well rewarded by a maximum of seven days only? When it has been shared in the great World Wide Web of the internet for a wider and greater audience in the search of just get some relevant feedback from our work?

Have you ever heard the word "evergreen content" in the context of sharing "information" in the digital world of internet? Whether it be on social media platforms, social networks, popular forums & digital tribunes or simple personal blog websites?

Oh! and to say that these discoveries, appreciation, recognition, celebration and rewards over our content will only occur for a maximum of seven days, uhm, that's just being overly optimistic in the Hive blockchain. Because without a good internal search engine, suitable and functional for such a purpose, which obviously doesn't exist in Hive yet. After receiving a few blind automated votes in the first few hours of publishing our content and after only a handful of true appreciative readers exclusively within the first day.

From that very first day onwards. Your exquisite and select content created with so much effort and dedication, in Hive will have no other destination than to fall inexorably into the abyss of oblivion, invisibility and desolation, despite its acclaimed immutability, buried under an ocean of useless makeup tutorials, cooking recipes, game & movie reviews and a massive amount of innane pandering and shilling of why Hive is the best platform to create and share content on internet.

Is there really anyone around here who has the faintest idea what it means to run a clever SEO Marketing campaign for free to actually attract new readers and potentially new users to our social network to try their own luck? And at the same time try to attract also new investors and developers interested in overcoming and solving the limitations that this platform shows in spite the previous efforts that the current developers have done so far without having been successful yet in achieve that goal?

Well, then, just keep reading the rest of this post. Because today, I already said everything I had to say.

While “dumbass” is a term of endearment, usually “smartass” is the real insult.


Cranky Gandalf

Yeah! I've already written about this subject many times before throughout the years. So, I reckon it won't be necessary to waste many more written words on the issue. Since you may well be one of those who identify yourself with any of the epithets that appears in the title of this post. ¿But, do you happen to have a mirror handy?

¿Yes? ¿No? alright, let's analyze these syllogisms next:

¿Stake-weighted Consensus?

Yep, that's right! We very well might be living within a whole society, an entire ecosystem, a community, a neighborhood, a tribe, a small clan, a simple gang with their own rules of coexistence, singular behavior, peculiar manners and consensual codes of ethic as to try to be accepted within them as one more of the herd. Isn't it?

But... ¿is it essential be accepted?

I mean, is it really indispensable, imperative and compulsory follow blindly and meekly the path and tracks of the herd without questioning the unquestionable only for fear of what others will say? ¿What others may think of us? ¿What we really are?

¿And what and who you are? Are you a Smartass? A Badass? A Halfass? A Dumbass?

Yeah, it is possible that at this point you don't know why today I have published a post like this. Because the truth is, that I'm not sure either. But I suppose that after spending ten days in a row with an unstable, erratic and almost non-existent internet and electricity service with so many rains, blackouts and darkness over here in my neck of the woods. There's a possibility that I had not a chance to read much to inspire me as to post something different & up-to-date that would make you think.

Because trying to make you think with my articles is always my main purpose. So, what does it matter if the subject I'm dealing with today is already something old, hackneyed and redundant that I've already dealt with many times before?

At least today I have illustrated it a little better than other times and I haven't made you read that much either right? Because in the end, who really cares what I write?

After all and at the end of the day. The content of this article, its quality, originality, the interest it might arouse in those who read it and the enthusiasm with which it can be appreciated and rewarded. It always is gonna be a matter of different perspectives within the consensus of the herd. So, ¿who really cares? --» «--

«-'Abstract Aural Bit'-»

¿Is she a Badass or a Smartass?

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"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf


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