Wyrd biđ ful araed. #0701

--Wyrd biđ ful araed - Destiny is all, is everything. - Fate is unstoppable. - Destiny is inexorable.

--Acknowledged today as used by the hero Utred, of Bernard Cornwell's series of books of King Alfred's gathering of the nation's which will later comprise England. It was said in a similar way in the saga of Beowulf from pre-history.

--''For every tradition has two aspects to it. Every religious doctrine likewise has two facets. There is the literal interpretations based on the scriptures which Caoimhin had been indoctrinated with at the monastery of Glastonbury.
--And then there is the esoteric side of the story which can only be known through practical experience of the deeper mysteries.
--As each of us moves through this life and our consecutive lives, our point of view may change. Indeed there's not much sense in this whole existence if your point of view remains the same. We start off concentrating on attaining food, shelter and clothing. This state is known as - possessing -.
--Eventually we move on from this when we begin to understand that it is more rewarding for our soul when we behave within certain ethical constraints. This is the stage where we respect and adhere to rules. It is the stage where we read and interpret scripture as literal truth. In this phase of life we are focused on ~ doing ~ the right things and living what we are told is appropriate.
--Finally, if we have attained enough experience of life and the world, we will come to understand that even when one is following the rules one may lapse into sin. It is ~ intention ~ that counts at that stage.
--Only then may one understand that merely ~ being ~ is enough. Since we are not seperate from the mystery but one with it, there is no good nor evil. The One desires only to observe itself in a mirror, as it were.
--And in the desiring to observe itself the One has to become the many. We are the mirror and the many. Yet we are the One also. When you come to that knowledge you will no longer need rules. You will behave with perfect love because you will know that you and everything you perceive is perfect love. For the One is that love and the One is all.''

~~''It's not as if this lesson can be imparted from mouth to ear. Only first-hand experience teaches the art of being or the way out of possessing into the state of DOING.''
~~''When the two become one they are living love and that's when they both have the best chance of returning to the One that is the mystery.''

--''Allow me to quote from the Gospel of Thomas, the very manuscript that Robert carried in his saddlebags.
--Jesus said to them, 'When you make the two into One, and when you make the Inner the same as the Outer, and the Upper like the Lower, and when you make male and female into a single One so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the domain of the Father.''
< The Well of many Blessings - Caìseal Môr. >

--For something a little lighter, a point of view for contemplation, neither fate, destiny nor study of legion.

--''How do you do it? asked Mack. ''Magic I mean. What does it have to do with wishing? With dreams? You keep talking about it as if it could be stored up. In me¿''
--''That's what humans never understand,'' said Titania. ''They're so seduced by the material world, they think that's what's real. But all the things they touch and see and measure, they're just -- wishes come true. The reality is the wishing. The Desire. The only things that are real are beings who wish. And their wishes become the causes of things. Wishes flow like rivers; causality bubbles up from the earth like springs. We fairies drink wishes like wine, and inside us they're digested and turned to reality. Brought to life. All this life!''
< O.S.Card - in Magic Street. >

--And for the more spiritually attuned, an excert from Paul Twitchell.
--''Cords of Light or Love (for Love is really Light in the world's beyond and hatred is darkness) are attached between the MAHANTA and his chelas, and wherever that disciple goes or whatever he does, is determined by the Master. Therefore, the chela is simply a channel whereby the traveller's Light is being spread throughout the universe. The power operates in a clockwise spiral motion through the devotee to whatever he touches, either physically, mentally, or spiritually. This is the creative force pouring through man, developing growth, and everything he touches leaves the Master's Light.
--''It is like working through an electro-magnetic field which when powerful enough permits the creative forces to operate, but when weakened allows the Kal, or negative forces (which spiral counter-clockwise) to take over and destroy.
--''Now man is composed principally of hydrogen and oxygen, and therefore considered an electro-magnetic field. Especially is this so when you see your fellowman through the spiritual eyes. Therefore, the power readily can work through each individual, because of this fact. That is, if the Master would open the channel in the devotee for the power to flow fully through him.
--''Now should you be given the power and discover the complete use of it, master it, and solve the final secret of all creation, the primal force that causes creation, you can reach immortality, or live in the state of constant life. Some call this existing in the bliss of God. Note this carefully -- not God, not one with God, but in the bliss of God. Yes, there is a difference. Of course, there are arguments over this point. But once you attain this step you will know the difference.''
< Dialogues With The Master. - Paul Twitchell.
ISBN: 0-914766-78-3 >

''Do A Little Well, And You Do Much.''

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