Báncaraid gu bráth! #0696

--pure/white - to love - forever/until judgement day.
--Báncaraid gu bráth! - pure love forever!

--Sláinte môr. - cheers! greatly/mighty/big - so, (hearty cheers!)

--The nine sacred woods : Willow, of the streams; Ash, of the shadows; Hazel, of the rocks; Alder, of the marshes; Birch, of the waterfalls; Yew, of the plain; Elm, of the glens; Rowan, of the mountains; Oak, of the sun; Blackthorn, of the hidden places.
--The ashes obtained from these nine make up - Nawglan - a precious dust used in druid rituals.

--'All praise to the Swift Sure Hand, for his deliverance at need; All praise to the Word-giver, for Truth's Three Pillars; All praise to the Living Light, for Wisdom's holy fire! ~ Attend me now, Great Guide, and lead me in your ways. For, wide is the world, and tangled the paths by which a man must go. And I am so easily led astray. ~ Here am I upon my rock, and here I stay : I will be unmoved until you, Unmoved Mover, move in me; I will keep silent until you, Living Word, speak to me; In darkness will I sit until you, Light of Life, illumine me. ~ Grant me now, Gifting Giver, three things I ask: Knowledge of the thing I do not know; Wisdom to understand it; Truth to discern it rightly.

'' Money Is A Good Servant, But A Bad Master.''

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