Modern Life Part 1778


'Calienta Cama' sounds so caliente as a Cuban Son song with appropriate rythm

Okay, I have another one for today. It's like most of the time very revealing about the deeper currents that dominate our lives. From various viewpoints gazed at, this is not a product review - however it could be one now down the road. This is not about a specific company, whereas I will now note how well this product is done and how long it may last. Based on preceeding experiences, that time could go by very quickly - until it falls apart.

So yes, this is once more an example of 'planned obsolescence' - the aircraft carrier on the Mekong River against the backdrop of the average houseboat there. The Gorilla in the bedroom, the kitchen, or generally in the house doesn't cut it anymore. Neither does any other metaphor, like Elephants in the China store. Poor things. Can You imagine how bad they must feel breaking all that China with any and every move they make?

And yet, they couldn't convince the masses that the time has come to try something different altogether, because this shit is not working for all life forms on Earth - and hasn't been working for a lot of life forms that are gone already. To imagine anything feasible, or adequate a metaphor to express our present collective nasty unfolding situation, requires the fantasy of an alien probably. May the Alien Being the Universe can help out? What is comparable to what H.S. in its evolution has turned Earth into? George Carlin might have been of the opinion that it doesn't matter what You do to the Planet - at least one routine expressed that. That H.S. is some insignificant shit and that the Planet will shake the species off, like a wet dog fleas after an ocean swim.

While I find George to be very thoughtful otherwise when he rails about religion for example, he himself never mentioned the volcanic eruption in the kitchen pantry. Not once, mind You, not once. And that us telling, as planned obsolescence gas created the unnecessary and exaggerated dedtruction if our Planet for stuff that us engineered to break and thus to be replaced. And as subito, ir rapidobas possible to make mire profits on the expense of all and the Planet for the benefit if a few very confused and misguided individuals. H.S. is not governed by Aliens yet, or is it? Are there other creatures telling those semi-chosen to do the governing how it must be done? Or are these after all just humans - albeit with neither fully developed 'sapiens' part, or any idea how they are part of the bigger picture, overcwhich they have no control. And it may help at this point to once more reiterate, that ghose who hold power, seek power and try to maintain power and control are still on Earth and nobody but a few billion lied to, deceived and cheated on species members are behind their delusions of grandeur. Let's just say for a moment that nobody in the entirety of the Universe gives a flying horse apple about any of the pathetic losers that are blocking true progress in its very shaky tracks - by playing out their political and financial powers against the collective.

That's of course not working. Observing humanity in its movement towards the drop off shows that those who care to have what is called a future, will indeed find solutions to the existing problems by first eliminating the causes of these problems. Only when the causes are eliminated can then the real underlying process been analyzed. Allow me to cartoonish call for imagining someone really asking oneself how it could be that the oil has run out sooner than expected - standing in front of a vehicle that makes 7 miles to the gallon.

Something like that. The deeper issue to which I like to point out is although the fact that the collective is not even given opportunities to pollute less. To consume less. Permanent growth requires permantly finding new ways to invent needs, to shorten even further the life of goods. Then You listen to those resonsible for this present festival of feces, and You can only wonder if they have actually all been lobotomized of sorts - having had removed everything from empathy, to compassion, to helpfulness and forgiveness? Are we not all in the same boat? Maybe not all passengers count equally?

Let's just aim for the best possible world and not allow the present botchers to run it down even further. There are exquisite solutions to all major problems - they do however require a change of course. Away from profit generating production to need based production, from unsustainable one-way manufacturing towards modularity, reuse and repurpose.

There are not too nany people on the planet as is falsely portrayed in 'Planet of the Humans'. Not one word about capitalism engorging itself on substance that is required to live. Not one word about planned obsolescence and where the majority of public wealth ends up at last.

Thanks for reading and take care. Smoke 'em if You got 'em.

The multispecies cell in San Carlos the Cold in the Night...

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