Top 10 Crazy Things I Believe are True

Have you ever heard the phrase “reality is stranger than fiction?” Well, it’s true to the fullest degree. This world is nuts. This reality is better than any sci-fi movie I have ever seen, darker than any horror movie and brighter than any love story. “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players” …

1. Flat Earth


      I do not trust NASA. I often jokily tell people that NASA stands for Not A Space Agency. How is it that it's almost year 2017 and we don’t have a live feed from space showing the globe spinning? Second, if you look at official photos from NASA of what our “pear-shaped” earth looks like you'll notice it changes drastically with every image they release. The appearance of “earth” is at their discretion. Third, do you feel yourself spinning wildly through space right now? I sure don’t. I feel more motion when I get in an elevator or automobile which move much slower than 1,036mph.

2. Noah’s Ark Has Been Found


      A normal ship, made from wood, could never last 1,000s of years without disintegrating from nature’s bombardment of elements. The biggest miracle about this discovery is how Noah’s Ark was preserved by a fast-cooling flow of lava that then created the perfect condition for petrification. Read more about the discoveries of amateur archeologist Ron Wyatt (aka "The Real Indiana Jones"): here

3. The Exact Location of the Biblical Red Sea Crossing Has Been Found

      credit: 1,2

      Check out some of the video evidence that Ron Wyatt recorded at the Gulf of Aqaba. Another method that nature has for preserving evidence is by using coral. The horse bones that were found during the underwater expedition would’ve dissolved long ago if coral had not attached to it. Finally, my favorite piece of evidence are the gold covered chariot wheels found with the remains.

4. The Real Mount Sinai Has Been Found


      In the book of Exodus it talks about millions of people wondering in the desert, after escaping from Egypt and going through the Red Sea Crossing. As the bible later describes, this group of people were told to prepare days in advance for an upclose encounter with God. The people trembled the day they heard trumpets blasting from heaven and a great fire descending on top of Mt.Sinai. This is the spot where God shouted the 10 commandments at them. The tip of Mt.Sinai is burnt to a crisp til’ this day.

5. Human Bodies Can Be Hijacked


      This one is a bit controversial so I won’t touch on it too much. There are two methods I am aware of for controlling humans remotely – consciousness swap (possesion?) and with a microchip brain implant that whistleblower Donald Marshall said is called a “soulstone.” Here is an excellent report by The Christian Truther on these microchip brain implants: link

6. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) are Real


      There have been people that have died, experienced the “spiritual world", and came back to life. Many, if not all, say that the after-life is much more real than this reality. All of your senses go on overdrive after leaving the capsule that is your body. One of my favorite NDE testimonies is by former atheist, college professor, turned pastor - Howard Strom.

7. Pedophiles Run The World (#PizzaGate)


      If you are not aware of #PizzaGate and the investigation that Titus Frost and others like @ausbitbank are doing go check them out right now. I believe that this ground-breaking news is critical for the survival of humanity -- especially our children.

8. We Are Not The First Advanced Civilization on Earth


      We have pyramids galore here on earth. There seems to be pyramids sprinkled all throughout the world that were built long ago with unknown technologies. The Great Pyramid of Giza we are all aware of but what about the bigger ones in China & Antarctica?

9. Human Cloning is Real


      Watch the movie “The Island.” Or, better yet, watch the new HBO series called Westworld. Do it! The tip of the spear for exposing human cloning is whistleblower Donald Marshall. Please also read his original letter to the public from late 2011. According to him, we have cloning centers all throughout the world where people are unknowingly cloned for sadistic purposes. Here is possible video evidence of a Mike Tyson "look-alike" (aka clone) that raped a woman in Texas: video

10. We've Had Aliens Living Below Our Feet For Thousands of Years Manipulating Humanity

      credit: The Time Machine (1960)

      Not only are we not the first advanced civilization on this earth – we’re currently not the most advanced one right now. Many whistleblowers have confirmed that we have ancient cities deep underground with futuristic technologies. We even have cities that are co-inhabited by humans and “the others” beneath us. In early 1995, Phil Schneider already had 13 attempts on his life when he spoke about this exact subject and his firsthand experience with "the others" – the 14th attempt was successful.

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