Sci-Fi World: Disclosure on Antarctica is Coming?

Antarctica and the mysteries that shroud the south Pole have intrigued many for decades. So many theories have come from it such as Hollow Earth Theory, Nazi interacting with aliens living under the ice controlling humanity, and etc.

There's even been famous pilots like Admiral Richard E Byrd who's openly made such claims as well.

Decades have passed and most of which all we can do is speculate what's down there. We do know that a few thousand people work and live there doing scientific work.

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Recently, many dignitaries have been visiting Antarctica. From patriarch Kirill, to Obama, John Kerry, and others all have recently visited Antarctica...why? What's the real reason?

An Interview About How Our World Is Possibly About To Change

Cliff High was recently interviewed on Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog, and I thought it was a very interesting interview when discussing economics, but the later half of the interview is where it gets VERY interesting. I felt this information needs to be put into text for the Steemit blockchain, so I transcribed the portion of this interview about Antarctica and what we may be seeing in the near future (video version at the bottom):

Interview posted December 31, 2016

Cliff High:
... there's all kind of strange stuff relative to the layout of our economy and what's going on at this deep dark "woo woo" level. The "woo woo" is the officially denied unknown, UFO's, strange spooky stuff humans can't explain that does not come up in the academic paradigm, and I'm suggesting very strongly this very large report (we ran a lot of extra pages in this report, even with the ones I had to cut out)...but I'm suggesting very strongly that from 2017 onward that our mutual friend Bill Holter - I think his truth bombs are going to start coming out. And it's not just going to be limited to the economy. So, we're going to get something that we can describe in a loose way as disclosure that "woo woo" is moving into a more dominant consciousness or awareness in our consciousness period from this point onward.

Greg Hunter:
In other words, aliens are real...

Cliff High:
Ohh, that's old news. LOL. That is so prosaic ...

Greg Hunter:
In other words, aliens are controlling us in some about that?

Cliff High:
Sure, sure.. yeah and it may even be stranger than that. Alot of this stuff is going to be coming out of what we're calling "THE Discovery", because it's going to make such a huge difference to humanity over this next 30, 40, 50 years.

In our reports it's describing a world that we don't actually live in at this point, but that we're transitioning into if these predictions are accurate. They appear to be developing that way, especially around those things that are not manipulated... the actual appearance of climate weather, the appearance of actual property/new lands rising. All of these are forecasted. The rain-bombs, the lakes and rivers in the skies that suddenly dump out on us. The sudden freezing of whole herds of animals. All of these were forecasted years before they occurred were in our data sets and they were described. When following that same "woo woo" trend technically called "science fiction" and that's what we called this report as "Sci-Fi World", because we're going to be getting into a world in which the past expectations of even things like physics or weather or climate cannot be relied upon to be persistent into the future. And so, our future is going to involve a re-looking at our human history that will go back 7,000 years that's going to upset a lot of people who's thinking is so rigid that they are not going to be able to accept the developing reality around them.

We are also suggesting that a lot of this is going to come from this discovery that's already occurred in Antarctica. It probably occurred 20 years ago and we're just now going to start hearing about it in over these next few years. We now have physical, political, economic evidence that a lot of our forecasts about Antarctica... Now, bare in mind that something that I need to point out: When I first started out my reports the very first run I ever did was focusing in and trying to make money on the stock market - two things came up that I absolutely shocked me. One of them was the sun - the big scary ball in the sky. The other was Antarctica. Both of those were all through that data set. That point on I was so intrigued that I forgot about the stock market stuff and went out into the "woo woo" world. Now, we're getting to the point where the data is saying "woo woo" is going to start kicking ass and taking names. It's going to start dominating. We're going to start seeing the real information about where our trillions of missing dollars are. It'll slowly peculate out.

We're going to see new inventions pouring out all over the place as they've been officially allowed to, because we need them now. A lot of this is going to pivot around whatever has been discovered in Antarctica and I think that the giant pyramids that are 3 or 4 times the size - and in one case might be 20 times the size of the largest pyramid on the Giza Plateau. I think these pyramids in Antarctica may contain stuff that's going to tell us a lot more real information about our history than we could ever imagine and I also think these pyramids go back to the other half of this processional cycle and maybe even all the way through it in the order of even 12,000 if not 21,000 years. Our ideas of who we are, how we came to be and what we need to be thinking about as humans are actually involved in this report in a way I never would have anticipated.

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Let me also state that when I go into and look at its interpretations and reports I don't really have a clue as to what we'll be looking at other than those dominant sets that may have appeared in previous reports. So I go and look to see what's happening in USA pop(ulations), but it can change from month to month to month. We also had this weird situation develop in our work here that took about 5 years to mature and I discussed it over a period of time in radio interviews and even wrote articles and stuff about it and it's what I called "context change". That occurred in the early 2000's. I couldn't figure it out, I just knew something big was coming and we're all going to reel under it, but I couldn't get a handle around it linguistically. But it was going to change the context around a lot of words we end up using. Long story short, it turned out to be undocumented workers coming out and saying "we're here and we're not going to go away. You've got to deal with us." Basically, you've got to change your context in thinking and deal with us as real humans in the here and now, not gloss us over with all of this paper illusions so to speak. And so that context changed for USA pop. It's a huge mass of population 350 million people. Their mental structures whether they were an un-documented worker or not they all had to change - we all had to reshape our thoughts around that language to embrace what had just happened. This context changed. Our data sets ran for 18 months before I talked about it, then I'd talk about it for another 18 months before parts of it had matured.

We're in the midst of one of those right now. Only it started back before I even started this work probably...

Greg Hunter:
With Antarctica with the Secretary of State going down there, Kerry going down there..other dignitaries going down to Antarctica. All of a sudden everyone is going down to Antarctica - bizarre! And you think this has something to do with this big change you've been talking about. Who we are, where we came from, and what technology is really available to us that's going to be pushed out, because we need it now.

Cliff High:

Greg Hunter:
Oh, boy!

Cliff High:
It's spooky, it's weird, it's science fiction it's "woo woo". There is detail like you wouldn't believe. There was so much information about Antarctica I got sick of looking at the data. It's just going to get bigger.

Greg Hunter:
You're talking about with Antarctica at times where maps of the 1500's where they drew Antarctica with no ice on it. Antarctica is a huge continent, there's a lot of history there that's evidently been covered up with 3 miles of ice.

Cliff High:
There's cities underneath. Right now there's giant voids in there that are so tall that you could stack the Eiffel Tower on top of itself 3, 4, and 5 times and not even touch the top of this void. These voids run over long rivers. The rivers run over 60/70 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures, and they melted the ice in these giant warm air filled pockets that run through out all of Antarctica. They're just now talking about them.

Greg Hunter:
You think there are people, aliens, or something living down there?

Cliff High:
Something's down there. There's old civilizations down there. There's stuff that's been under the ice that's showing up in our data sets that's effecting our technological future. Basically, from 2017 and onward. We're seeing this stuff leak out.

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Now, in our language we have a lot of release language now about Antarctica and in a sense we've got a lot of people wondering basically as we just said - Why Kerry? Why did the Pope go down there? Why did Obama go to Patagonia and sneak over there? Why are all these people going to Australia and then sneaking over to Antarctica? What possible reason could Obama have to go look at ice in Antarctica. He knows what ice is like, he swirls it around in his drinks. He's from Hawaii. He's just not the extreme sport loving fellow. And even Kerry who rides a bicycle, and you know at he does exercise at a serious level he's not your extreme sport "lets go out and climb mountains for the fun of it" kind of guy. So, why did he go there on a critical day for his party's election? That kind of thing...

So, it gets really spooky when you start reading our reports. If you buy our reports and expect only the economic perspectives of it at one level you're correct, because that effects all of us. We're all living in a depression. But also, there's this whole other "woo woo" component that's really bubbling to the surface.

Now, part of this is - I was just about to bring this up, but this is going to sound strange, but if you're as old I am you'll remember this movie that is called 2001: A Space Odyssey. Go back to the beginning and it was these apes/ these people digging up an obelisk. We see an obelisk on Earth with the ape people, then we see them digging it up on the moon. What we're getting now is data sets saying that people are digging something up in Antarctica that's solar system effective. Solar system involving. We're not only getting the pictures of people digging in terms of the descriptions. What we're getting is descriptions of the massive logistic effort that's going to take greater than 10 years to do. To build out bases that are going to be in Patagonia and Antarctica to get down into Antarctica just to start getting out the wealth of what ever it is they found.

We've got data sets in there that are suggesting - and it can be totally wrong - it can be totally skewed. Very rarely has that happened, but it did occur once - we could be really wrong on this, but the data sets are suggesting that what ever "THE Discovery" is down there is going to be a source of wealth for the greater part of humanity for perhaps 100's of years! A staggering kind of a find. We're not talking about a big patch of oil. We're not talking about a resource in the sense a big chunk of gold. The data sets have actually described this stuff as not precious metals, but precious technology.

Watch the entire interview here:

Internet data mining expert Clif High uses calls what he does “Predictive Linguistics,” to mine the Internet and collects billions of data points to produce forecasts of the future. High has predictions on Trump, gold, silver, housing, stocks, bonds, the dollar, interest rates and even new discoveries that will change the world that are coming out of Antarctica.

What do you think?

What do you think is in Antarctica? Do you think any of this is real? If you have any theories, please share below!

Let's check back onto this post in a year from now and see what has or has not come true. :)

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