I myself now know quite a bit of what the Speculative Free(stone) MAsons know...

...and one does not need to become an initiate in the ancient mystery schools to find out for ones own self neither. For WE ALL, each and everyone of us, posses the power and knowledge to do so on our very own, for and by our very own selves. The fact of simply and merely being "born" gives us ALL the birth right to know (Gnosis). We can not say the same for those millions upon millions, billions perhaps, who's "central fire" did not connect via conception and spiral off into a spiral ritual (Spiritual ) of PA-tterns of MA-tter, a toroid of the "Heart" to put it simply. This most recent discovery of mine all started with me simply picking up a piece of paper, a compass and a straight edge coupled with patience, contemplation and time itself and then scanning my findings onto a computer and using an image creation based software program, thus leading me to simply contemplate and connect the various "dots" to dis-cover various occult geometric symbols with ease. Also the ability to BA-lance both the left (logic and reason) side of the brain with the right (intuition and understanding true beauty) side of the brain will yield very powerful and beneficial results, Gnosis to say the least. Think of it as finding / tapping into the very keys / secrets to this knowledge necessary for maneuvering oneself around this "MA-trix", illusions of sorts, or whatever one wishes to call it. Below are my findings both regarding mathematics (numbers) and geo-metry / geo-metric symbols(Earth measurement / space). Feel free to try and replicate any / or all of it on your very own and try to understand it for yourself. For experience coupled with mathematics, geometry, and patience are very much needed and are very much themselves exceptional teachers might I add. Below you will find geometry that ties the "Kabbalah Tree of Life", the "Square and Compass", the "Vesica Piscis (aka Cosmic Womb, "Womb of ISIS", the two fishes aka "Jesus" and his twin brother "Judas Thomas"), "Squaring the circle" and the very layout of the game of BA-se BA-ll itself among a few others. All are together created and united via one specific geometrical symbol / PA-ttern that is only truly known by only a few, such as those practicing "Hermeticist", "Kabbalist", "Alchemist", "Initiates" in secret orders / brotherhoods / sisterhoods, and the very Speculative Free(stone) MAsons themselves. This symbol is often referred to as the "Philosopher's Stone" by some and is one way to figure out how to "Square the Circle", or at least get as close as humanly possible for the circle is the most perfect of all shapes, without a beginning nor an end, appearing to some as a snake eating its own tail (Ouroboros). Now without further ado, here are my most recent findings / dis-coveries. Please feel free to download, replicate, and study for yourself. For this knowledge / Gnosis is all of ours to posses for we are all born / incarnated "here" to do so. So please if you WILL, IMAGINE it and make it your own. Namaste and much Love / Light to ALL. A-MOR.

The doubling PA-ttern of 1-2-4-8-7-5 placed within the "Fruit of Life" along with its constituent number PA-tterns 1-3-7-6-4-9 and 8-6-2-3-5-0

*"12 Disciples perhaps?"

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