Ronald Bernard - whistle-blower - (High Finance Shocking Revelations)

--Bernard story--

Ronald Bernard, an elite Dutch banker for many decades, has come forward with his hair-raising story of how the world works, from a financial perspective.
Nothing revealed in the interview has not already been speculated.
The difference is that this is a first-person testimony of someone, who has interfaced intimately with the Satanists who control the planet.


Ronald said:
-I was able to dissociate my self and to put my mind into a freezer. That was the reason I was susceptible for them
-I was in the "inner circle" of elite banking. 8500 people rule the world
-Intelligence agencies and political power structure and in general power structures around the world are all working together and they are run by the same people in order to create a chaos and manipulate the currency
-1% of bankers know what is going on around the world because they know all of the money flows
-people on the top are nothing else then luciferians and satanist
-those on the top really believe in Lucifer as main god and deity
-he stated that he was changed when he was invited to participate in offers to their gods. That was the moment when his empathy came back. That was a brake point and that is why he decided to reveal everything to public
-Children were sacrificed
-He further stated when he realized that he started refusing his tasks and he went through full mental and physical breakdown which lasted for years
-He tried after to support projects of free banking and citizen movements

--High Finance Shocking Revelations--

Is Robert dead or alive ?

Just few days back it was reported on some websites that Ronald is found dead somewhere around Sebring Florida.
It was found after that it was not the same person and that newspunch website reported a fake news or it was misled to report unconfirmed news. Person which was lost in Sebring was Ronald Bernard Fernandez 61 years old definitely not the same person.
You can see the news reported here:

Irma Schiffers producer of the interview with Bernard reported after that Ronald is still alive and that everything what is reported is just a fake news.

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