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MUST-SEE! Abdication by Fake Assassination? A Whole New View of JFK, Nov. 22, 1963

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By Mark Anderson Stop the Presses News

EDITOR'S NOTE: Curious why the Dallas JFK affair never gets resolved? Then you need to check out this You Tube video. The researcher (Brian David Andersen, with "Feet to the Fire" radio host James Arthur Jancik, 11-22-2015) has some highly compelling insights here. Don't go into "super-denial" or hyper-disagreement mode when you view/listen to this. Remember how brainwashed the nation and world have become regarding JFK's demise. "Chew on it" for a while and think it thru. It's time to SOLVE some unresolved issues and problems, instead of hand-wringing and temporizing. Perhaps this video points the way. My posting it does not necessarily mean total agreement on my end. But what really matters is NOT censoring news and views that may at first seem too unorthodox. We must defend each other's rights without flinching. SEE THIS VIDEO BELOW:

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