New Law Allows Collection of DNA without Arrest


The Rapid DNA Act Is a law that was passed on August 18th, 2017. Rapid DNA is described as a "hands-free" process that will create a CODIS (the national DNA database that is owned and controlled by the FBI) Core STR profile through a mouth swap within hours of the sample being taken instead of days. This law basically will require several states to connect Rapid DNA machines to CODIS. These machines, which are said to be portable and about the same size as a desktop printer, are expected to become as routine a process as taking fingerprints.


According to the FBI website, Now that this law is in place they will be working towards testing and implementing this new technology. They anticipate that testing of these components will begin in 2019 and integration into the booking process of states that are authorized to collect DNA samples at arrest, as well as the federal system, will follow.


With technology like this, we can see where things will get tricky. Eventually, this process will NOT need an arrest. You could be pulled over for speeding and the police officer would have the LEGAL right to perform a mouth swap. The plan that has not really been said is this is to get everyone's DNA into this database. And with the what could happen become a long list of oh no!... Think about it. A restaurant was robbed after closing. You were there to simply buy a cheeseburger right before the store closed. They get your DNA (you leave DNA without even know it) and now you are a suspect in a major crime... that darn cheeseburger! We got a little funny with the scenario, but the issue is real.


So what do you think this law will mean? Do you see how this law can quickly become an issue? What are your thoughts on this? We would really like to hear what you have to say on this matter. Please leave your thoughts, comments and/or concerns below. As always thank you for taking the time to read our article. If you would like to view more of our work please visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website TBL.

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