Did you catch what Nancy Pelosi said!? -Gun Control- Foreshadowing


Some of you may already know that sometimes before the "Powers that be" do something, they must first make their plan(s) known or at the very least, visible to the public. (This is a form of *Lesser Magick) They have been known to do this by showing their plans in movies and tv shows via subliminal messages and repeated phrases to name just a few of their techniques deployed. Other times they just flat out tell us... Yes, they tell us. Keeping that in mind take what happened at approximately 10 am est on 02/15/2019. President Trump held a press conference in the Rose Garden and announced the situation on the southern border of the United States to be a national emergency. Then he told reports that we would be declaring a National State of Emergency as you can see here in this clip

Trump plans to take $600 million from the Treasury Department’s forfeiture funds account, which contains money seized by the federal government from a range of "illicit" activities. $2.5 billion would be redirected from a Pentagon program for countering drug activities, and $3.6 billion would be moved from military construction accounts. But that is not what caught our attention. Instead, it was Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's responses to this that had us taken a step back and ask ourself...."Did she just tell us what their plan is?" Take a look at what she says right here:

Yes, Nancy Pelosi said

"You want to talk about a national emergency? Let's talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That's a national emergency. Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would. But a Democratic president can do that. [A] Democratic president can declare emergencies as well'

Now let's dig into her statement a little here. She mentions a one-year anniversary. She is referring to Parkland, Florida school shooting., which some have claimed was just another stage shooting....but then she gives the impression that a Democratic president can declare a state of emergency on gun violence. Meaning that they would ban and take our guns. 😨


Now you may be thinking that this theory is a little far fetched. We did at first as well but what if this is just one of those times where someone caught the hint? Think about how 9/11 and what if word got out when the Simpsons predicted it?. Imagine the possibilities of how things could have changed things had someone made that connection then released what they found to others. Who knows how that could have changed things or if it even would have... What are your thoughts on this? We would really like to hear what you have to say on this matter. Please leave your thoughts, comments and/or concerns below. As always thank you for taking the time to read our article. If you would like to view more of our work please visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website TBL.

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