Who Can We Trust❔ The Information Game - QHHT

Another QHHT Session done and more information to share


I want to make it Clear that there’s a lot of people who will disagree with the information I post here, these conversations are Not my views or opinions on these people, the information was given from a higher source all I do I share what is said on this little blog.

In no way is this being put out to the public to debunk or discredit these individuals, we search only for truth and share that, whatever it may be.

(please note the practitioner was not familiar with all these names before the session)

I am grateful to have been given this opportunity to help shed some light on some of the Alternative sources of news that millions of people are listening to regularly, with no way for the average person to tell who’s telling the truth and who’s Lying, I ask . .

Who Can We Trust? Sources of Information

1. Q Anon

Practitioner: What can you tell us about this person or persons?
Are they putting out truthful information to help humanity?

Higher Self: It’s more important for people to focus on themselves rather than the words of others.
Go with what they know, to feel what is right.
The inner self never leads you astray.

Practitioner: but are they being truthful? Can you tell us that?
Higher Self: This group is made up of many individuals, with their own ideas and umm.. agendas.

Practitioner: Are they people of power?
Higher Self: They are connected to people in positions of power, Yes.
Practitioner: sometimes in position of power, they like to control, so are they controlling?
Higher Self: umm.. No, not controlling more directing.

Practitioner: directing? Are they directing for the good?
Higher Self: good is an ominous term.

((Dictionary - Ominous = Giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicious.))

Practitioner: Is there any financial gain in this new Q Anon?
Higher Self: Oh yes, they have much to gains should the transition go through.

Practitioner: ok, so what your saying is people need to focus on themselves, so they got to use their instinct whether or not they should follow Q Anon or not.

Higher Self: the knowledge being put out is a guide, to know where we are.
Practitioner: ok, thank you.

2. Benjamin Fulford

And Benjamin Fulford can you tell us about him?

Should people be listening to his information? Is he trustworthy?

Higher Self: We’ve been working with him for a while, to insure information reaches him,
Practitioner: So he’s trustworthy is he, if you’ve been working with him?
Higher Self: His heart is in the right place, yes!

Practitioner: Good we need as many people like that as possible,
You say his heart is in the right place, does that mean sometimes he goes off track?
Higher Self: Yes, he can't always get the right information through,
though he tries his best,

Practitioner: okay, so he’s sometimes too quick in acting?
Higher Self: There are multiple attempts to sabotage him,
Higher Self: but he’s protected by higher forces,
Practitioner: I was just about to say that.

3. Cobra from 2012 Portal

What can if you tell us about him? He seems to keep his identity a secret,
We want to know if his information is truthful and helpful to humanity?

Higher Self: umm.. Cobra was one of the Light Workers but has been led astray,
Practitioner: Led astray?
Higher Self: he chases after invisible things,
Practitioner: Can you expand a bit on that please, what do you mean invisible?
Higher Self: umm.. manipulated to see things that are not there,

Practitioner: you say he’s manipulated to see things? That are not there.
So is he visualizing something? Is it being put in his mind? Is it mind control?

Higher Self: A form of mind control, yes, you could say that.
Practitioner: and who is this? who’s putting this in his mind?
Higher Self: The Archons
Practitioner: The Archons?
Higher Self: Being led astray by the Archons,

Practitioner: So who are the Archons? Can you give me some information please?
Is it an organization?
Higher Self: you know them as the Reptilian race,
Practitioner: is that what they call themselves is it?

In regards to Cobra, Can you tell us something interesting that people don’t know about them?

If it’s allowed,

Higher Self: They should know that there not what they seem,
Practitioner: In what way? Have they a disguise?
What’s the link, they reptilians themselves?

Higher Self: putting misinformation out..
Practitioner: Cobra means snake doesn’t it, does that have any link to the name?

Higher Self: The Meditations are done at the wrong time,
Practitioner: meditations are done at the wrong time, is that what you said?
Higher Self: yes,
Practitioner: What do you mean by that?
Higher Self: They won’t aid in the growth of humanity,
Practitioner: Do you mean the meditations are done at the wrong time of day or
Higher Self: umm
Practitioner: am I on the wrong thing here?
Higher Self: .. at the wrong alignment of planets,

Practitioner: okay, so what your saying is the majority of people that meditate are encouraged to do it, when certain planets are in line?

It’s to do with the vibration, increasing the vibration? You’re saying their going against that?

Higher Self: eh yes! Now you’re on the right track,
Practitioner: And it’s obviously not providing the growth that we need, that’s needed at this time.

Higher Self: No, it’s hinders them.
Practitioner: It hinders them, okay.

4. David Icke

Practitioner: Now we still got that threat from the reptilian race, to do with the Archons, and one of the questions on the list is about David Icke.

So can you tell us a bit about him, we want to know if he was he correct about the Reptilians living among humans?
And if he is correct about our reality being a holographic reality?

Higher Self: Oh yes very much, their lineage goes back centuries,
Practitioner: his lineage?
Higher Self: The Archon lineage,

Practitioner: But David Icke is trying to expose them, is he right in doing that? Has he got the right information?

Higher Self: (long pause) his contract was to come and shine light on that information, yes, (pause) it’s been an experience for him.

Practitioner: hmm, most people don’t believe him do they? They keep changing their minds.

So he was correct about reptilians living among humans, does he mean humans with umm reptilian DNA?
They’re not reptilians disguised as humans?

Higher Self: He. . He wasn’t the first to discover them,
They were discovered long before him.

Practitioner: but they are human as in human form? With the DNA of a reptilian rather than a reptilian being in a human body?

I’m just saying this because it’s what I’ve read and puts fear amongst a lot of people.

Higher Self: They are . umm. . beings of lower vibration.

Practitioner: so have they inhabited a human form?

Higher Self: (long pause) umm . . Possession

Practitioner: okay, that explains that.

Higher Self: If a human is weak in vibration, they can attach themselves
Practitioner: Mhm (agrees)

Higher Self: They..
Practitioner: I’ve heard that that the Royalty is of the reptilian race, is this true?
As in the royalty in the United Kingdom.

Higher Self: They used to be, not so much now.
Practitioner: okay,

Practitioner: How did that develop from possessed to not now?
Higher Self: (long pause) the beings can manifest in the physical realm, or not.
They were called upon, by dark occultists, in exchange for energy.

Practitioner: Okay, so how does one become possessed?
Higher Self: (long pause) umm . . you will it, or the vibration of the body is extremely low,

Practitioner: So in relation to the royal family, they know themselves that they are possessed do they?
That they will it, they’ve asked for that possession?

Higher Self: They have interbred with them in physical form,
Practitioner: okay, But this would be someone disguised as reptilian to cause interbreeding?

Higher Self: yes, should they manifest in physical form,

Practitioner: Okay so getting back to David Icke, was he right about our reality being a holographic reality?
Higher Self: (long pause) err yes, very much, we showed that to him in the cube.

((Earlier during my personal questions in the session, I was shown a cube that had an unlimited size, with white squares on the floor, with my mind I could change the color of the floors, manifest trees or a whole forest using my imagination, I was told that the cube will be a place to go, when the new abilities from the new earth come in, it was an artificial reality, a safe place to practice.

Yes I know that sounds crazy, wait till you hear about my previous life as a Knight Templar escaping France.))

Practitioner: Yes, that’s true so it’s linked to that,

Higher Self: the power of manifestation has been taken away from you,

Practitioner: Been taken away from who?
Higher Self: hm Humanity,
Practitioner: we need to get that back don’t we?
Higher Self: The Cubes will be safe space to practice.

Practitioner: So is there anything else you can tell us about David Icke before we go onto our next question?

Higher Self: (long pause) hmm the knowledge has been shared.

(Note: that the practitioner is still learning as well all are in life, does sometimes insert his views and opinions into the conversation, the higher self always tries to explain things in terms we can understand, we are all at different levels of knowledge and learning.)

5. Alex Jones of Infowars

So some more questions about someone called Alex Jones? With infowars,
Can we ask that you tell us about him?
And does Alex have humanities best interest at heart?
So it’s a question about the information do we trust it?

Higher Self: most um.. most people don’t trust him like they used to,
Practitioner: is he another person who has been taken over by some organization?

Higher Self: um no, not as such
Practitioner: there’s been a lot (speaks same time)

Practitioner: Should we trust his information?
Higher Self: his information is a lesson to humanity,
Practitioner: a lesson to humanity?
Higher Self: to not take things for granted, to not trust the word of others, Solely because they become popular.

Practitioner: So he’s full of his own ego is he?
Higher Self: (long pause) he’s very much ego minded yes,

Practitioner: okay, so don’t trust everything that comes out of his mouth?
Higher Self: that’s the lesson he shares.

6. David Wilcock

(We did ask about him but the information was quite sensitive and upsetting, so I have decided to just share the parts of the conversation rather than the whole conversation.)

Right David Wilcocks what can you tell us about him?
Does he have our best interests at heart?

Higher Self: David has a child’s imagination, view of the world,
He imagines a future of peace and prosperity,
Practitioner: it’s nice to have that imagination like a child, but sometimes you’ve got to live in reality.

So what of the information he’s giving out, is it to be relied upon?
Is he just painting it all nice and rosy like a child would?

Higher Self: His information is misleading in some regards,
Practitioner: he never used to be, he used to be very good with his information,

Higher Self: He’s lost his way at the present time. (Date: Early September 2018)

7. Corey Goode

(We did ask about him but the information was quite sensitive and upsetting, so I have decided to just share the main points people should know, rather than the whole conversation.)

  1. Is he really part of the secret space program? – No.

  2. what of his information about Blue Avians and other beings – Some information is correct others are lies, misleading the public.

8. Jordan Maxwell aka Russell Pine

Jordan Maxwell who’s also known as Russell Pine, I don’t know why he changed his name, can you tell me about him please?

Want to know if he is member of the Freemasons?

Higher Self: (Long pause) Russell is an old soul, who has come here and lost his way.
Practitioner: is he fully awake ?
Higher Self: oh yes! In that regard,
Practitioner: okay, so in what way has he lost his way?
Higher Self: in the beginning there was much progress, much work, we were always working,
But lately has reached a stalemate,

Practitioner: So he’s lost his way in a good way?
Is he sending out false information? Or is it that he’s just lost the plot,

Higher Self: His information still awakens people, even today.
He just doesn’t have the energy to carry it on,

Practitioner: is he a member of the Freemasons? Does he like that position?

Higher Self: He is an exclusive member, yes,

Practitioner: Does this give him much power?

Higher Self: it gives him the power to socialize with others he would not normally,

Practitioner: Okay, is he a nice person?

Higher Self: (long pause) well we wouldn’t call him an angel, but he’s 50/50,

Practitioner: Is there any other information you want to say about him?

Higher Self: His time has come and gone, the new ones taken it from him.

Practitioner: well he's getting old, he needs to reduce the control he’s got, give it to someone else, do you agree?

Higher Self: yes, the knowledge much be shared.
Practitioner: yes, so being a member of the Freemasons is this a good thing?
Do the Freemasons do good?

Higher Self: The Freemasons have a long history, they started out with good intentions, has become very corrupt in modern times,

Practitioner: that’s one of those awful things isn’t it? The more power sometimes the more corrupt!

Higher Self: power begets more power,
Practitioner: yes.

(( Thank you for reading, more questions and answers on different subjects coming soon 😊))

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