The Anunnaki Are Returning

Anunnaki Sumarian Carving.jpg
So this is just a “Theory” that I have been working on. More for fun than anything else. With so much focus on Las Vegas, JFK, Sandy Hook, North Korea, Immigration/White Genocide, Hollywood Sex/Pedophilia scandals….time for some Aliens. This is a Conspiracy Theory, so obviously just taking information available and putting it in some logical from. I am assuming(yes silly me) that most people are intelligent enough to either be aware of the most of the idea or concepts below.

TRIGGER WARNING This does rely on the Fact of Race Realism. That we are all Human but there are Genetic Difference between the various races of Humans across the planet. I know this is still a controversial subject and that even bringing it up risks the accusation of Racism and “White Supremacy”. There are provable differences between various groups of humans separated by Geography and Time, both Physical and Cerebral. I do not presume to say one Race/Skin Colour of Human is Superior or better than another, just acknowledging that we have genetic differences that play a very important roll in how we behave, think and interact. Law of Large Numbers


The Worlds Current Events are to prepare us for the Return of our Anunnaki in the coming years.

This is based on the premise that they have returned and want to return to the time they had a slave work force to extract resources from the planet. They were the ones responsible for the Human Species coming to be when they did. Our Ancient ancestors were their creations, worked for them and worshipped them. We see various clues to this through out our history and I am not going into great detail about it since the information is readily available out there. Some Links are Below.

We have been left alone by our Original Creators or Gods for Millennia, left to our own will and free to Evolve as nature would allow. We were separated by geography and evolved into separate into various related offshoots, or the Races we see today.

TRIGGER WARNING This does rely on the Fact of Race Realism. That we are all Human but there are Genetic Difference between the various races of Humans across the planet. I know this is still a controversial subject and that even bringing it up risks the accusation of Racism and “White Supremacy”. There are provable differences between various groups of humans separated by Geography and Time, both Physical and Cerebral.

I don’t believe anyone can look at the World today and not think that some one is pulling the strings behind the scenes and manipulating the people for some greater purpose. Actually, we know it is fact that there are people and powers that are working to manipulate us for their own purposes, so the idea that some one is pulling their strings is not beyond possibility. We see what is unravelling with Hillary Clinton and Uranium One and the $150 Million Russia Donated to the Clinton Foundation, so we know there are forces playing us.

There have been stories over the years of the Return of Nibiru and our Reptilian Overlords. We see various links to our Mythology and History that supports the idea of the Ancient Astronauts have visited Earth in our past. Even our Modern Religions show hints of these encounters with Alien “Gods”. Our archeological records do seem to show that Humans had a Big Bang like event in our Cognitive Abilities.

Now if we accept that idea that we are a modified species the idea that there are differences between the Races of Human is a lot more acceptable. It’s how we were created. We accept that there are physical difference between populations due to Evolution. Like how East Africans are better at Long Distance Running than others or the Demonstrable IQ difference between populations.

Lower IQ people are also more easily to manipulate and get to do what you want them to do. This also ties in with how our Modern Education Systems seem to be failing so many students. Education seems to be more about teaching children WHAT to think not HOW to think. I am sure most of have seen an article or heard some one complaining about the Indoctrination of our Youth through our Education Systems. There are even Studies that are showing that as a Population we are getting less Intelligent over all.

Now this is where it gets even more Racist sounding. There is a push for a complete demographic replacement of populations currently going on in through out the Western World. And if we look at it through the idea that it is all part of a plan to divide us as a planet to make us easier to control and re-establish control over the planet of slaves. Let us destroy ourselves, then the those that manipulated us can walk in and take over.

If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." - Gospel of St Mark.

We all live on this planet and are all in this together.

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