Is the US Navy being hacked? Should I build a shelter?


On August 20 the USS John Mcain was hit by a merchant vessel in southeast Asia. Seven sailors reported missing or dead. On June 18 The USS Fitzgerald was hit by a merchant vessel in Singapore. Ten sailors were reported missing or dead . These were 2 of four accidents reported this year. The Navy is investigating these accidents to see if they were results of cyber attacks . There is no official word about what they think. Right now the accidents have been blamed on human error and top officers have been relieved of duty.

OK , so thats a little scary! This is the mighty US Navy we are talking about being taken out by cargo ships. I cannot imagine how that could even be possible once never mind four times this year.

In other news

Venezuela has stopped accepting US dollars for Oil in order to get around US sanctions.

The petrodollar is any U.S. dollar paid to oil-exporting countries in exchange for oil. Since the dollar is a global currency, all international transactions are priced in dollars. As a result, oil-exporting nations must receive dollars. That makes their national income dependent on the dollar's value. If it falls, so does the government's revenue. Kimberly Ameado . Link to article here.

Since when do little countries like Venezuela have the guts to stand up to US foreign policy. This would have never been tolerated in the past. Other countries like Russia and Iran have also moved away from the petrodollar. Are we witnessing a shift in global power?

Speaking of the News

I have not seen any of this reported in mainstream media. I see news about Hurricanes, Mass Shootings, and too many stories about kneeling for the national anthem and Donald trumps latest Twitter tweets. I have to go with my gut here and something doesn't feel right. It could be that they are purposely, not telling us something.


Cries of "Fake news and FUD) all around me. But here are some facts. The economy has not recovered since 2008. Interest rates are at zero and can only go negative at this point. More money and more debt have been added to the system. The only thing holding up the house of cards in confidence in the dollar. The United States does not manufacture many products and depends on foreign trade for goods and services. Here are some things that are not facts but I think are interesting theories. Countries like Russia and China have developed technology which has rendered our military ineffective. The Dollar is on its last leg and will eventually collapse. The world will shift into a new currency and the US will not be the leader. This will have a drastic impact on the standard of living of Americans.

In Summary

What can an average Joe like me do? How can I not panic and buy into fear, and at the same time look out for the best interests of my family? What do I do with my money in the bank and my pension funds? How can I live in a more self-sustainable way? Grow my own food? Solar and wind energy? Do I go out and buy bars of gold and silver? If I do how do I keep them safe? Should I start amassing weapons? What would be the responsible thing to do? I think that these are some serious questions and serious concerns.

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