Unanswered Questions about the Las Vegas Shooting That Are Very Suspicious!

The world remains devastated after the brutal mass shooting that took place at the Las Vegas Route Harvest County Festival, in the late evening of Sunday the 1st of October this year.

Shortly after, police confirmed that the attack was carried out by 64 year old Stephen Paddock, a multimillionaire high stakes gambler and property investor whom had no previous convictions or extremist religious or political beliefs. Neither police nor family know what the possible motive could have been for Stephen Paddock to plan such a horrid attack on innocent people and for this reason, many questions and theories have emerged.
Here are some questions that are unanswered:

  1. Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley was visiting her native birthplace the Philippines, when the attack happened. It has emerged that Stephen had paid for her trip and also transferred a Hundred Thousand Dollars in to her account in the Philippines while she was there. Marilou Danley said he told her that the money was for a house for her and her family and that she thought that he was breaking up with her and did not know that he was planning to carry out a mass shooting, she did however say that prior to the shootings, he had lost weight and had deteriorated physically and mentally in recent months. The police have since cleared Marilou Danley from being involved.

My question is, she shared a home with him, where police found another 11 guns and a gun room. Did she really not know or suspect anything? The average person just doesn’t have so many guns for leisure or even protection.

  1. According to family, Stephen Paddock had no extremist views however there are pictures that have emerged of him attending a anti-Trump protest. You have to have a very strong opinion about something in order to participate in a protest about it, therefore he could have held extremist political views. It is known that the concert goers at the Harvest County Festival would have been mainly Trump supporters. Is this just a coincidence or could he perhaps have been connected to Antifa?


  1. During the festival a couple whom were described as Mexican looking were removed from the premises after having told a few of the concert goers that they were going to die that night, 20 minutes before the attack took place. Who were they and what did they know? They need to be found and questioned!

  2. Many have questioned whether it is physically possible for one person to fire so many shots in 10 minutes even with guns that have been altered and enhanced, leading many to speculate that there was more than one shooter. Many videos show gun flashes on level four and 32 of the Mandalay Bay Hotel which would indicate multiple shooters, but police insist that Stephen carried out the attack alone. Other pictures show multiple broken windows after the attack, which further supports the idea of multiple shooters.

  3. Police found 23 guns in Paddock’s room, leaving many to wonder how he managed to carry 23 guns in to a hotel with 24 hour surveillance unnoticed?

  4. Pictures of Paddock’s room show many guns lying around with hardly any used bullet casings? Where are the heaps of empty bullet casings that you would expect for the number of shots that were fired?


  1. Another picture showing Paddock’s lifeless body on the floor after supposedly taking his own life shows a gun on a stand positioned over his leg. How is this possible? Did somebody else maybe place it there after he died.


  1. The same photos that show Paddock’s lifeless body show a notepad, pen and duct tape on the table. Did Paddock write a death note? If he did it is being kept secret. The police have only said that a note was found with numbers that appeared to calculate the distance between the Route 91 Harvest festival site and Paddock’s window, to plot the trajectory of his bullets. This was only mentioned by the police after stories regarding the notepad started circulating on the internet.


  1. Isis apparently took responsibility for the attack but their claim has not been taken seriously because the police eel that Paddock had no ties to them. They have however said that Paddock had converted to Islam. Would Isis claim to be responsible for something that is not their doing? Yes they would, to terrorize/ scare people.

  2. Police have said that Paddock had many cameras inside and outside the room of which two were mounted on a trolley in the passage. This makes the police believe that he was planning on escaping after the attack and wanted to monitor who was coming for him so that he would know when to escape. It has now come to light that Paddock had shot the security prior to carryibg out the attack. What did the security hear or do prior to the attack?

  3. During a press interview with Stephen's brother whom was speaking erratically he started a setence which gave away a bit too much when he said: ' Stephen was an arms....', not completing the sentence when he realised he had made a mistake which can be seen by his facial reaction, quickly changing it to: 'Stephen was a lone soldier onto himself'. Was he going to say that Stephen was an arms dealer or something alike? Very suspicious indeed!

Until police release more information nobody know what the motive is for Paddock carrying out the attack, it could be anything from Isis, Antifa, an enranged gambler in debt or a crazed psychopath!

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