Pete D’Abrosca: Race pimps in the Media, Politics and Academia Twitter Thread

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This doesn't necessarily constitute endorsement of all points but I do agree with most of what he is saying regarding racial tension being used to "play politics".

Race pimps in media, government, and academia have been using extraordinarily rare white-on-black police shootings to whip dangerous mobs into a frenzy since Ferguson, MO in 2014.

It’s been very profitable for them.


Otherwise boring and stale left-wing news channels like CNN have gleefully broadcasted riot porn, and even encouraged more rioting (Don Lemon defending ANTIFA violence comes to mind immediately) because it sells ads.

And they get to play the faux moral superiority card.


Politicians like @AOC have turned such events into political capital, vowing to fix the "deep racial injustices" that supposedly plague America. They fundraise off of these events. They also play the faux moral superiority card.


Radical academics use these events to blackmail their Boards into establishing "diversity and inclusion" departments and curricula, attracting other useless but radical functionaries to fill those roles.

Many BLM rioters are a product of this very system.


Every major corporation in America has now effectively endorsed the rioters who are burning and looting our cities.


At the core of the riots, which even right-wing commentators refuse to acknowledge, is POC identitarianism and POC Supremacy.

No intellectually honest person can deny this.


The rioters are not fighting for "justice" or "equality" or "anti-fascism." Those are marketing terms for upper middle class white liberals in ethnically homogenous suburbs, used to make their rioting more palatable.


Meanwhile, we're told that "white silence is violence," and that every grievance of every rioter in every city can somehow be traced back to America's "white supremacy."

White people are to blame for these riots, they say.

(Getting to the point, hang in there).


Those of us who have been honest about the riots have noted all along that the only natural response to POC identitarianism is White identitarianism.

Not in the KKK sense.

But in the sense that eventually, White people won't sit idly by and watch the destruction anymore.


That's what happened last night in Kenosha.

And despite all the guffawing and pretend outrage from the people mentioned above who have profited from stoking this fire, it was a predictable outcome.

Our society is reaching a breaking point.


The chickens are coming home to roost for the media, politicians, and academics who peddled lies about "systemic racism" to turn a quick buck.

Hope you enjoy your new country, you evil, self-serving, subhumans.

You earned it.


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