BLM is MSM sponsored Propaganda Campaign


It's 2020. The kind of racism the media trying to sell doesn't exist anymore. They spin, omit context and employ a number of intellectually dishonest rhetorical techniques to deceive.

The following outlines a prime example of type of distortion that is used to sell the narrative. They will do things like take FBI statistics for white criminality to create a contrast but leave out the critical piece of information that Hispanics are also included in the figure. Very crafty.

I would like to open this thread to capture as many instances as possible to expose their lies and reveal they don't care about black people but rather it is a political guise to continue to shift the Overton window towards authoritarianism and erode free speech as we know it.

Don't let these devious political activists tug on your heart strings. Many of the individuals within the core organization assent to the views espoused by the Black supremacist Nation of Islam that suggests white people are inferior due to their lack of melanin.

The anti-white ideology can be seen on display in Nick Cannon's rant which you may observe in the following commentary video by Mr. Reagan.

If you don't understand what is happening on a macro scale, the powers that be have been hard at work using propaganda to attack the majority demographic of the USA. The analogy I will use is, when attacking a group, it is wise to go after the most formidable member in said group. Even better, if you can turn the others in that group against that one. If you don't believe that is what is going on, you're not paying attention.

In order to understand the process that is being employed, I urge you to watch the following in it's entirety. Despite our shortcomings, we have something precious and they are coming for it.

This isn't merely a conspiracy against Americans. This is a conspiracy against freedom. For that reason, I ask you, freedom loving people of every nation, clime and tongue, to stand with us.

We can face the wiles of the enchroaching globalist regime working ardently to consolidate power and subdue they that stand in their way. Together we can defeat them.

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