How to get a nation hooked!


Just a story or is it?

Mortimer and Raymond were brothers, they were never pleasant people to be around, their family had wealth though, and bought them into the best universities. Neither would think twice about closing a door in someones face, instead of holding it open, they had a nasty streak a mile wide and 10 miles long, watching others suffer was fun!

Whilst at the best universities they were around future senators and politicians, they bribed them then as they do now.

They found that with enough money anything was possible, and they had billions to play with, and so it was they set out to destroy an entire nation. Bill was a senator, and a very corrupt one at that, billions of $ could be laundered via old Billy boys state, and drugs galore could also be shipped in, as long as old Bill got a cut nothing was off limits.

During this learning curve called higher education, the brothers provided drink, drugs and whores, they happily sat and watched the future government get plastered and secretly took photos to bribe them with at a later date, even law students who would become judges were also fair game.

After leaving higher education they decided to open a company or two, and wanted to be legal drug dealers, not just any though, the most lethal in the land, such was their contempt for the country they lived in and it's people!


Old Bill the senator was a god send you see!

He could get any amount he wanted into the country, of any drug they wanted, and it was opioids that took their fancy, once you get someone hooked they are guaranteed to return, so heroin was perfect for this.

They knew a billion here or a billion there could even get a country invaded, and Afghanistan grew enormous amounts of poppies, so it was there they decided to liberate.

The brothers paid off people to do fake trials of their painkiller that was laced with highly addictive heroin, a million here a million there and bingo, the drug was rated safe, now all that was left was to lobby politicians you see, and that was easy, and only took a couple of hundred thousand of them things called $'s

Whole communities became hooked, both rich and poor were devastated, overdosed, and went on to inject deadly doses of street heroin. Some small communities had more of their pain killers per head of population, than was ever seen in the history of drugs, even street sellers could not compete.

It is just a story is it not? a fable or a tale maybe!






Verdict = There are some hateful people in the world.

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