Illuminati Corporate Logos

Part One, Illuminati Corporate Logos:

This is the first episode of the Freeman Perspective. Freeman is an expert on esoteric symbolism, occult philosophy, and secret societies. I've invited Freeman to join us here on Steem, I'm hoping he does because the information he has needs to be spread to everyone.

We are all given the exoteric public explanation for how reality works but some have access to a higher secret truth. When people begin the process of 'waking up,' one of the things they might notice is that we are surrounded by esoteric symbolism. The average person goes about their day and doesn't notice this stuff as its not meant for them to notice, its only meant to be noticed by the people in-the-know. The leaders don't take religious texts as literally true but rather as multifaceted deeply encoded wisdom. These guys practice sexual alchemy, study ancient texts, and create reality as we know it.

Why do most of our corporate symbols trace back to masonry and ancient mystery schools? Why is the vesica piscis, a sexual symbol, also the symbol for ancient Christians, the symbol for Mastercard, and the symbol for Chanel? Why did Plato, Pythagoras, and Jesus teach one thing in public but leave the deeper mysteries to people who had been initiated? What is the stone that the builders refused and is it related to all these obelisks? This video will shed some light on these kinds of questions and get you thinking esoterically.

Part Two, Columbia The Illuminati Goddess:

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