The Road To Androgyny: The War On Sexual perception


Sexual Perceptions In A World Of Deception

Now this is a really huge and difficult subject to discuss without offending someone, and I feel that this is entirely deliberate. It’s so nuanced and multi-layered that you kind of have to appreciate both the complexity and the intelligence that’s gone into this deception. Indeed this is a deception so ingenious and vast that to even point out what may be happening leads to your vilification. Let me assure you I have no axes to grind and equally please note that I’m speaking in generalised terms and trends.

I’m certainly not having a go at individual rights of expression and as long as every adult is happy and consenting I judge no lifestyles. Equally, I’ve never shied away from discussing difficult topics in the past and I’m certainly not going to now, so lets see where this goes.


Modern Sex

So running alongside the physical assault on masculinity and human reproductive capability I wrote about in this post is another even more insidious assault on our sexual perceptions. To start with we shall take a look at attitudes to sex, indeed sex always used to be synonymous with love. Now the two have been divided to such a degree that this perception is openly mocked or at the very least an afterthought in the mind of the masses. Love and tenderness has been replaced with animalistic instinct and indeed at it’s extremes hate.

If I was to tell you that my every sexual encounter was born out of love I’d be struck down by a bolt of lightning so rest assured my high horse is lame. Equally, I believe love to be the most powerful and everlasting force in the universe and the combination of sex and love is perhaps far more profound than many of us would imagine. From this perspective is it any wonder that some may seek to reduce sex to a mere robotic act? Indeed in this age of mutually convenient sexual transactions it’s funny that the buzz words of the day are “sex robots” suddenly this concept is everywhere.


The Attachment Of Guilt

Firstly I’d like to state that I view any sexual assault to be a disgusting and unforgivable abuse of power, be that physical or perceptual power. That said I believe these events have now been capitalised upon and used as a propagandic/attachment of guilt assault upon all men. This area is being used to open further divides between the masculine and feminine whilst creating a subconscious perception of men. It’s also riding upon the shoulders and valid concerns/disgust of serious sexual abuse by Hollywood power players such as Weinstein/Spacey and equally the Westminster (Pestminster) sex scandals. .

From then on the net was widened to include wolf whistling, inappropriate comments and hands on knees. I condone none of these actions and the way some men act is an embarrassment, but equally to conflate this with rape and child abuse is disturbing. I feel that this blurs the lines and denigrates the seriousness of such despicable acts whilst shining the light elsewhere and creating a subconscious perception in the minds of the public.

In the wake of these events and blurring the lines even further the BBC’s “problem with men” panel show, various newspaper articles, the twitterati, and various feminist hit pieces seem to be attaching the burden of guilt onto the collective shoulders of men. I’m reminded of Rom Emanuel’s infamous statement “never let a good crisis go to waste” for in a slight of hand they seem to be moulding a negative subconscious collective perception of masculinity and using high profile abuse cases to do it! We even have Jodie Foster's statement that pretty much every man over 30 is culpable for sexual misconduct cases. I have someone close to me that was the victim of sexual assault, do you know how insulting it is to have the blame for the actions of a few sad pathetic individuals laid at the collective doorstep of masculinity?

But have no fear Ophra Winfrey is coming to rescue us, yes the same Ophra whom is one of the most powerful women in Hollywood and whom was great friends with Weinstein but of course never heard about his penchant for abusing women. Or how about Meryl Streep whom called Weinstein god and led a standing ovation for child Rapist Roman Polanski.


The Future Of Sex

As I’ve already alluded to I believe this to be part of a multi-faceted attack on every aspect of our humanity and sexuality. In the long term and again from a subconscious perspective I believe this in your face overt sexuality will lead to some form of youth rebellion against this most natural of acts. I liken it to the feeling that you have when your favourite song comes on the radio. It makes you smile and lifts your spirits on even the darkest of days, equally if it was played every time you turned on the radio you would soon be reaching for the off switch!

When was the last you heard any positive mainstream messages regarding sex? I believe the very word is being slowly subconsciously tainted as something dirty and perverted. In the future I believe this will lead to humanity increasingly withdrawing into themselves, too scared to interact with each other through fear of saying the wrong thing or acting the wrong way.


The Coming Gender Identity Crisis

Now I have written a large post that portays my belief that we are being slowly manipulated towards a future androgynous connection to the internet. The first stage in this process will be a complete breakdown in both our gender and sexual identity. I'm not going to cover ground I've already posted about, but I would urge that you take a look at my article (which I've linked above) before coming to your own conclusions.

As I have displayed in my previous transhumanism post we are under attack from various hormone disrupting chemicals and as such I also believe this is going to lead to a future gender identity crisis. This will eventually explode into the public consciousness to such a degree that it will create mass confusion. Although in many ways this has already started, I also feel this is just the beginning. Much like my theory regarding the future of sex I believe this will take the form of two stages. Firstly it will create a societal change and then moving forward such confusion that people will withdraw from the entire concept of gender and readily accept the perceived safety blanket of androgyny. You can see the foundations for this huge societal change being built all around us.



Please understand that the elite are adept at manipulating our perception of duality. They profoundly understand human psychology and through various methods (including schooling) they are increasingly dividing the brains left/right hemispheres and this has unbalanced the human psyche. The left/right brain could be viewed as our internal masculine and feminine duality, this balance resides in us all. At a subconscious level many are increasingly aware of this imbalance and so (without understanding why) are attempting to alter their gender as a way of addressing it. This imbalance is running alongside a hormone and chemical assault and the results are beginning to play out all aound us.

Within this understanding they have manipulated men and women towards men vs women, indeed they tend to place us within some form of conflict with each opposing duality. Alas a war against men or indeed a war against women is akin to a war against self for we are two sides of one whole. We have been created (evolved) as intelligent, physical representations of universal duality in order that our differences, create a cohesive whole ... to create life. Together we are strong, divided we are weak and that is why they exploit and divide us on differences that should be celebrated.

Thank You For Reading


Written by perceptualflaws
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