Unexplainable 9/11 Predictions

We are but mere pawns in their giant chess game.

IMG_0907.JPG Blatant priming in Johnny Bravo


IMG_0909.JPG 1980's magazine cover... come on people 😂 It's been in our faces for years

IMG_0911.JPG 1980's Marvel comic. Gotta get the kids on board when they're young and impressionable.

IMG_0910.JPG 1980's illuminati card game. This is so blatant and people still trust in our government. I can't wrap my mind around it.

If you watch ANY video of the collapse of the buildings, anyone with eyes and a brain can see that it was a demolition. Building 7 came down and it wasn't even hit. Everything In history is planned and controlled, nothing is coincidence, everything we are taught in history books is statist propaganda. They did this to us on purpose to instill fear in the American people, and to get us on board for a war in the Middle East.
Watch this video, and then watch other videos of planned demolitions, and really sit there and think.

Still aren't convinced?
Grenfell Tower in London recently burned for 60 hours straight. IMG_0912.JPGIMG_0913.JPG
The building was completely gutted, yet it somehow didn't dramatically collapse? Anyone see how messed up all of this is?

Now you're probably going to ask why. Why would our government do this to us? Here is where the rabbit hole gets so deep. I promise if you do your own research your eyes will be opened for you. It's really hard to see the truth when you've been fed nothing but progaganda your entire life. Unplugging from the Matrix is scary, but most of all it is lonely. I have found more than anything that the truth is not praised in our society. Here is where $h1t gets weird.

The bush clan is a family of generational satanists. I am not a religious person, but my exploration into the world of "conspiracy theories" has shown me a wealth of knowledge in the esosteric occult and has opened my eyes to how much our modern society is saturated in it. Call it what you want, but it's some dark shit, and Hollywood and Washington D.C. are super into it. All of them.

Here is a photo of Bush in the secret Yale Skull and Bones society
IMG_0914.JPG Just do 2 seconds of research on this society and you will begin to see what they are all about... 😈
Here's a video of Bush Sr. openly talking about the New World Order. This stuff is not okay.

Still not creeped out? There's a video floating around that captures the moment George Bush was informed about the collapse of the twin towers. He's in a classroom of children and it seems innocent enough until you actually watch the video and absorb what the hell is going on.

These people are EVIL AS HELL. Before the agent tells him, the children are all speaking in an incantation together. They say the words "kite" "plane" "hit" and "steel". They say this over and over. Immediately before the towers are hit. Immediately. Does this seem like a coincidence to you???? Right as they say these words, an agent comes in to tell him the news. He sits there blank faced as they transition into reading a children's book. Once again everything seems normal, until you notice the book is titled "The Pet Goat".

What the big deal? It's just a generational satanist reading a book about a goat to young children after they spoke a strange incantation that magically aligned with a "terrorist" attack that happened seconds later. This was straight up a black magik ritual. These people %100 believe in this shit and at this point the truth is stranger than fiction my friends. Just read about black magik and the symbols these people flash constantly and you will begin to see it all around you.

Turn off the news. Open your mind and do your own research on this stuff. The truth is all around us, but they have conditioned Americans to not care. We have been bred into mindless consumers, and people would rather read about the latest celebrity breakup instead of the fact that they have been deceived their entire lives.
If this post resonated with you at all, please, I implore you to follow that feeling and keep researching. Keep expanding your mind and try to wake up the people you care about. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the evil shit our government is doing. Don't even get me started on pizzagate...

Someday I hope to start a resistance/revolution against these freaks. I hope you'll join me.

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