False Flag Events and Terror Attacks Are Real, Not Mere 'Conspiracy Theories'

Terror attacks, mass shootings and bombings are always covered by the news, and they usually follow with political agendas. You might have heard/seen the term "false flag" on the Internet when these events happen, and you might think it's just "conspiracy theory" people talking about nonsense.

But there are admitted government-sponsored terror attacks, where they aim to engender terror in the populace in order to provoke a certain reaction and implement an agenda they have. Governments create a situation of terror and fear in order to allow them to do certain things that wouldn't have been accepted by the public previously, such as go to war, or change laws to enable more control over the populace.


False Flags

A false flag is designed as a Hegelian dialectic, where political events are engineered by creating fake or real enemies that are blamed for the event. The enemy acts as a bogeyman for people to be afraid of or hate. This creates sentiment that gives the state a reason to do what it wanted to do in the first place and get away with it. The attack event acts as a pretext to falsely justify starting wars.



Create the problem, a false flag terrorist attack, this will engineer the reaction from the people of either fear or hatred, and then they demand that you take action to do something about it which allows you to enact the solution you wanted all along.

Over the past 15 years, the most common claim for a false flag relates to the 9/11 attacks, whereby governmental forces were involved with either manufacturing or allowing an attack in order to justify invasion of Iraq or other foreign-policy reasons, as outlined in the Project for a New American Century document. But there is no direct evidence or admission of the government having manufactured the 9/11 attacks.

But wait, this doesn't mean that there has not been any proof of governments scheming and false flag operations. And in this proof, it's no surprise that the CIA is again involved in infamous historical events.

Operation Gladio


One of the most well-known and admitted false flag operations took place in Europe from the 1950s up to 1990, and it was called Operation Gladio.

Gladio was created by NATO as a "stay behind" Army during the Cold War and operated closely with the CIA. Since it was the Cold War, their job was to protect Europe and the US from Soviet invasion. The way they did this, was through sabotage and guerrilla warfare.

In order to get people emotional, enraged and hating the desired enemy (the Communists or Marxists), Gladio would engineer attacks and blame them on communist opponents.

None of this was supposed to become known as one of history's dark secrets. But in 1984, Italy's right-wing activist Vincenzo Vinciguerra, was on trial for the 1980 Bologna bomb massacre, and revealed that Operation Gladio existed.

Vincenzo Vinciguerra was later interviewed, and he added:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the State to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."

But then again, this is testimony from a convicted terrorist, so naturally you might find it unreliable simply because they are a criminal.

What about Italy's Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti?

Six years after Vinciguerra's trial, Andreotti was called to a parliamentary commission where he admitted Galdio's existence and referred to it as a "structure of information and safeguards". He even detailed arms caches across Europe and supplied a list of 622 civilians were part of Operation Gladio.

There are more admitted false flags.


The FBI targeted and infiltrated domestic political organizations, such as leftist groups deemed to be subversive, creating criminal acts and blaming it on these radical groups. Some of the groups were activists from the anti-Vietnam War, Civil Rights, Feminist, and Black Power movements.

Five main methods were used during COINTELPRO:

  1. Infiltration to discredit, disrupt and negatively redirect action.
  2. Psychological warfare to undermine progressive movements.
  3. Harassment via the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals.
  4. Illegal force to conduct illegal break-ins in order to search dissident homes; and to commit vandalism, assaults, beatings and assassinations.
  5. Undermine public opinion by challenging their reputations in the community and denying them a platform to gain legitimacy.

The surveillance of groups and individuals was deemed illegal by the Church Committee:

Too many people have been spied upon by too many Government agencies and too much information has been illegally collected. The Government has often undertaken the secret surveillance of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those beliefs posed no threat of violence or illegal acts on behalf of a hostile foreign power. The Government, operating primarily through secret and biased informants, but also using other intrusive techniques such as wiretaps, microphone "bugs", surreptitious mail opening, and break-ins, has swept in vast amounts of information about the personal lives, views, and associations of American citizens. Investigations of groups deemed potentially dangerous—and even of groups suspected of associating with potentially dangerous organizations—have continued for decades, despite the fact that those groups did not engage in unlawful activity.

Yet we now have the Patriot Act that brought back many of these illegal practices. Go figure...

Operation Northwoods - 1962

Not actually carried, this was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government.

The proposal mirrored theories about 9/11, where the Department of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to create public support for war against Cuba by blaming terrorist plane hijackings and bombings on the Cuban government.

Thankfully, the Kennedy administration had saner minds and this proposal was rejected.

Lavon Affair - 1954

Israel was exposed for a false flag operation designed to discredit the Muslim brotherhood and create regional instability. This forced the Israeli defense minister Pinhas Levon to resign.

The official name was Operation Susannah, where Egyptian Jews were recruited to plant bombs in several US and British owned locations.

The operation failed, with the bombs that were supposed to go off hours after cinemas in libraries were closed, ended up costing the lives of four of the operatives. Two of the members committed suicide after later being captured, and 2 others later tried, and were later convicted to face execution by Egypt.

Iranian Coup - 1953

The US has always wanted oil, and Iran's nationalization of an oil company controlled by US interests, led to Operation Ajax.

The CIA used propaganda and manipulation of political movements to engineer a public revolt and overthrow of the democratically elected leader Mohammed Mossadegh, resulting in a US-friendly brutal monarch-puppet. The US had help from their UK allies with their own Operation Boot.

Reichstag Fire - 1933

This one some people might be more familiar with, since it was perpetrated by the enemy of World War II, where the Nazi Hermann Göring was responsible for setting fire to the German Parliament which burned down in Berlin in February 1933.

Young Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe was convicted of the crime which helped turn public opinion towards the ultranationalist Nazi party. This was later admitted when Franz Halder testified at the Nuremberg trials.

And these are just the admitted false flags. Anyone fairly aware knows the government doesn't tell us everything and likes to keep secrets from us.

There is a lot the governments of the world don't tell us. Dig into information yourself, look around, ask questions, and you will see there is some very suspicious information that doesn't add up and implicates local agencies in engineering public outcry in favor of shaping public perception of reality.

And who propagates the misinformation and disinformation for us to accept as a legitimate "reality"? The mainstream or fakestream media. The governmental agencies and operatives engineer the false narrative of reality, and the news media feeds us that unreality as a reality to live in.

That is some powerful mind control we live. It's amazing people deny false flags, even though it has been admitted. If you look into more recent events like school shootings and other mass shootings or bombings, you can uncover some contradictory information between the official account and witnesses, and issues with the ones being blamed as patsies for carrying out the event.

The world isn't what many believe it to be. We are being manipulated and used as pawns in a game for the masters that rule over us. Our lives are engineered and being channeled into creating a world order that they want.

Contrary to what many people believe and continue to accept, the state is not to be trusted. Governments are not there for our best interest at large. There are people within the government who are playing a larger secret game that the rest of us don't know about. We can see some pieces of the puzzle because access to information exposes their actions. If you don't look, you won't see.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.


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