All the Proof You Need - Alex Jones Controlled Opposition, Zionist Puppet, Liar, Fear-Monger


Most genuine patriots, independent media analysts, researchers, truth-seekers and anti-establishment activists are already aware that Alex Jones is a sellout, pathological liar, hypocritical, Zionist controlled opposition puppet, who engages in the same fear-mongering tactics as the corporate media he claims to expose. In reality, Jones is the controlled ‘alternative’ to mainstream media, acting as a Gatekeeper for people newly waking up, to keep them in the 2-party paradigm and a state of constant fear.

I’m not sure why the following newly uploaded video isn’t playable on D-Tube as every all my D-Tube videos have been playing just fine recently, including one I uploaded just afterwards, but in any event the video is available on both YouTube and BitChute for those interested in watching.

Alex Jones 100% Zionist Controlled Gatekeeper - Just More Evidence (2017):

BitChute link:

This is a nice 10 minute video by Truth Media Revolution from just after the 2016 election, whose channel was later deleted, so I uploaded to my channels so the information is out there. Video includes a caller into the InfoWars show who was cutoff after talking about much info related to Zionist involvement in 9/11, that Alex won’t ever touch on, and exposes Jones as total Trump supporter.

For the longest time, Alex Jones supposedly exposed the 2-party system for what it truly is, two sides of the same coin owned and run by the same corporate elite beholden to the Zionists and the international bankers. But then when the 2016 election came along, he suddenly changed his tune, endorsing and going over the top to support Donald Trump’s election campaign, getting a large number of so-called anti-establishment folks duped into voting for Trump, based on the lie that he was a truly anti-establishment candidate who would drain the swamp. It may even be the case that without this massive Alex Jones campaign behind Trump, he may have lost the election. Trump was so great full to Jones, and understood he was indebted to that service, and so gave him a personal phone call to thank him for supporting his campaign, saying he couldn’t have won without him (Alex bragging about this and thanking his followers for supporting Trump in the above video).

And if it wasn’t obvious then, Trump has shown himself to be the complete opposite of a truly anti-establishment president, but in fact the most openly pro-Israel, Zionist, puppet president this country has ever seen, fully owned and controlled by his banker masters, who rather than draining the swamp filled it with slimier swamp creatures than before. As for being banker-owned, look no further than Wilbur Ross who bailed him out for billions, and he works for top Zionist Sheldon Adelson who was a major campaign financer, not to mention his close connections to Israeli PM Netanyahu.

These connections fully expose Trump for what he truly is, and if you haven’t seen the following documentary, it does a wonderful job doing just that.

Banksta’s Paradise featuring Donald Trump, by Adam Green:

Also available on BitChute:

But the evidence exposing Alex Jones goes way back before Donald Trump, and he had well before then showed himself to be a two-faced liar, who had already begun supporting the corrupt 2-party political system. In fact, at the turn of the Century Alex Jones was also exposed by Bill Cooper, who warned of all the things he has now openly become - a danger to true patriots and genuine truth-seekers everywhere.


In the following 20 minute video I put together a couple years ago, Alex Jones is fully exposed by Bill Cooper, and by himself through his own lies, hypocrisy and contradictions.

(And this will serve as a reminder to self to upload this video to BitChute...)

The latest in exposing Alex Jones came at the massive Virginia gun rally, when Brian of High Impact Flix was able to confront him and ask him a few questions, about why he supports such an establishment banker-owned president as Trump. He asked Alex why he as a ‘defender’ of the 2nd amendment and supporters of gun rights also supports Trump, who has endorsed so-called red flag laws. Jones responded that he has criticized Trump on this issue, and doesn’t agree with him on everything. But when asked the tougher question, about why Trump has appointed bankers to so many cabinet positions if he is truly anti-establishment (and Jones knows that bankers run the show, as he has said time and time again), such as Steve Mnuchin who is a Goldman Sachs banker, appointed by Trump as Secretary of Treasury, Alex Jones refuses to answer and just walks away.

I don’t have the time to hunt down the original interview on the HighImpactVlog channel as it is buried behind tons of new content and not showing up in YouTube searches (not surprising), but that is where I originally watched it, and I found a mirror of the interview (20 min. video) which is embedded below.

And here is Adam Green’s follow up video of Brian’s confrontation, including the footage, background info and much more discussion on the topic...

Alex Jones continues to blindly support Donald Trump, and even Netanyahu, and goes to great lengths to cover for Israel. He blames the “Chicoms” and “Islamists” for everything; they are apparently behind the “globalist New World Order” now, not the Zionists working alongside select few elitists from all around the world. He has even gone so far as to absurdly claim that it is in fact the radical Islamists who own the Federal Reserve Bank!!! Such are the lengths only a puppet such as Alex Jones could go to in a desperate attempt to convince his audience that he is truly anti-establishment and on the side of truth. Unbelievable, and yet true...

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