Who are we?

We know that we are being lied to.
Wars, politics, news, healthcare, chemtrails, education, 5G, history, the list is endless...

Everything we think we know is at least faulty or incomplete, if not a complete fabrication.

So, who are we really? Could it be that our self-perception is flawed as well?
Could it be that we are not what we are being told over and over again?
For generations we have been fed information that "human nature" is that of a predator.
We fight wars, steal, cheat, lie, rape and murder each other.
At least this is what's in the NEWS every day.
We are being flooded with violence wherever we look.
From videogames to TV to movies to music.
We are being assaulted with negative messages about ourselves and our "nature" from cradle to grave.

What if THAT is a lie as well?

What if our TRUE nature is completely different but we just don't know and do what we are being told we are? Tell a child often enough that it is bad and stupid and watch what happens. It will act accordingly.

Maybe we are NOT what we were made to believe over generations.

Maybe the parasites have fucked up our minds as bad as they have our health and our wallet.

And we have no clue who we really are...

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